Yogesh Verma   (Jaggi)
592 Followers · 4 Following

An ordinary guy in search of extraordinary adventures of life's journey.
Joined 25 July 2018

An ordinary guy in search of extraordinary adventures of life's journey.
Joined 25 July 2018
11 FEB AT 7:32

Autumn fades, yet the sun's warmth offers hope to barren trees


31 JAN AT 18:31

Man is not solely responsible for his actions, even a leaf cannot move without the will of God. Everything, down to the smallest detail, is predetermined by a divine plan.


30 JAN AT 6:44

My life is lacking its daily dose of your cute si smile


29 JAN AT 19:18

I am grateful to my companion, my Bullet, whose roaring engine has taken me to countless spectacular milestones on the spectacular roads of this wonderful world.


28 JAN AT 22:35

For the rest of my life's journey, some goals I set
Now I have paths to traverse, I have dreams to be met
Chasing the stars up in the sky
With every step, I aim high


28 JAN AT 16:11

everything. Each creation crafted by God holds greatness within. We often come to truly appreciate the significance of everything when we find ourselves in need of it


26 JAN AT 19:47

the sacred religion is of humanity and everyone heartedly and soulfully embraces it.


10 JAN AT 7:53

Sharing this heartfelt message with my 'Rabb'

Every gesture from you holds a unique place in my heart, leaving me in awe

You provide perfection, affection, and endless joy

You offer comfort, love, and a sense of hope

With you, I find peace, safety, and unwavering strength

Your warmth, smile, and touch are what I long for

Thanks for being with me, adding a beautiful melody to every moment.


21 DEC 2023 AT 12:07

I am sad, alone and mad,
I am crying, deep inside I am dying,
In the echo of sadness, a strength is sown,
I stand alone, but not alone, on my own..


31 JUL 2023 AT 3:12

Hang Together

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