Wundervei _ Ragh   (Apeksha Anand)
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Joined 23 August 2022
25 APR AT 0:52

ना कृतज्ञता की लालसा रखता है
ना अशांत मन की बात को उच्च शांति मिलने की उम्मीद करता है।
लेकिन आसुओं से गुज़ारे रात
जगाते हैं वो महत्पूर्ण समय को;
उस खुशी या दुःख में बसे हुए सोच-विचारों की दिशा को
एक प्रतिबिंब पाने के लिए राहत देता हैं
जिससे यह जीव और अधिक मजबूत, संवेदनशील हो सके
इससे पहले कि कोई सन्नाटा उसे ख़ूबसूरत झूठ की तरह
आत्मसात कर ले।


22 APR AT 22:06

Sometimes I'm a devil-like angel who gets either roasted for the jumpsacres in taste buds
or gets appreciated for the colours which kids commonly know and identify,
People give me the nicknames which only they love, for legendary it's adult talk— you know I meant Hallucination.
You can't win my heart just making me to be in situationship with a salad
But you can be mine connecting the nostalgia of the childhood days.
I'm not the one whom you can take for granted
In the era of gen-z and more of uncomfortable comfort they respect me with dignity.
Sorry but not sorry you found me in dishes, recipes and ice creams,
Woah! Blue berry can be my Twin Flame,
I can be your partner in crime to preserve the perfume for your trusted ones.

Yours most loved fruit.


21 APR AT 23:19

Dear time,
Much gratitude for
This token of promise
For the dreams..
The dreams of mine
which were a sacrifice
for another dream
I put my life, risk into,
That accomplished
oneness among
the livings and survivals
on the realm of illusions.


20 APR AT 22:11

Sympathetic self try to spill the tea
about personal life to strangers,

The sensitive self in collaboration with the ego self be like


19 APR AT 21:58

Details missed by an artist daydreaming
foreverness in human perfection.


18 APR AT 23:30

जूठे वादों में अनकही निर्मल जिजीविषा की मोह माया


17 APR AT 23:24

"Better-heaven, Somewhere without the anticipation of affection
Could we still offer the ukiyo
present in this dream-filled living
To the pistanthrophobia in us?"

"Better-half, Yes, we will!.. in the name of tryst on Pisces moon".


16 APR AT 23:52

The hertz, musical patterns
of santoor and piano
structured by two souls
in eternal gardening of
each other's birth flowers,
Is heard as much as
The disconnected challenges
that tolerated
the vacillating ego
before they were listened by
the reconnected redirections.


15 APR AT 23:23

बतावो सखी,
वो मासूमियत से आगे रह रहे श्रद्धा
दो दिलों के गानों में नहीं तो कहा पर मिलेंगे?
मासूमियत गुनाह नहीं है सखी
वो एक कुसुम की झलक है विश्वासों के दरिया में।
ए गौरव, संस्कृति को छुपा लेंगे इन मुस्कुराहटों के धागों में।


14 APR AT 21:56

To err while writing about the tulips
being a symbol for belief in true love,
The angry and anxious young couple scribbles about the burps being one of the calm relief in true understanding


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