• W   (•W)
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Joined 19 September 2019

Joined 19 September 2019
20 MAR 2023 AT 21:13

Learn to be Criticism Tolerant. Initially you will not be comfortable, just like growth is uncomfortable but gradually you will appreciate the value of criticism.


5 SEP 2022 AT 20:27

I allowed you to hurt me, when I knew keeping you close to my bosom was like chasing after the wind.
I said to myself I would rather be hurt and feel your fleeting touch than let you slip away under my nose.
Yet, I am truly and deeply hurt.


11 NOV 2019 AT 18:10

The Sage

And the Sage once said, " That which you receive freely, acknowledge and appreciate."


31 OCT 2019 AT 0:21

Another Night

Every night is another struggle to pass out without having to think of us.
Dear Pillow has all secrets of our unseen tears.
The wooden bed aching of carrying our plight, with the sheer Ray of light coming through the closed window sighing our agony.
My breath whispered in the dark...you are gone, yet I refused to let go of you, while the light blanket ventured to give me comfort, but all I longed was your warmth.
Wet pillows will always be my Haven.


21 SEP 2019 AT 10:41

"The Enigma"


21 SEP 2019 AT 0:39

Our First Portrait

My heart had a place for you,
Yet, naive and timid was I to profess.
Long did I imagined us in one cluster,
Yet never had the audacity to beseech you.
Yet, our First Electric Moment of togetherness clicked our way.
And there we were together in a portrait embracing each other.
Our First Portrait orchestrated its way to the vow at the altar.
That was our First Moment in a Portrait.


19 SEP 2019 AT 17:11


I have been 'the' emotional outlet for many to be outnumbered,
That... today I die without non to number to share mine.


19 SEP 2019 AT 13:35

The Unforgettable
I would be lying if I say I don't Remember you.
I would be lying if I say Epochs have passed since I left you and you left me.
I would be lying if I say I don't remember your Cologne.
I would be lying if I say your touch I don't yearn.
I would be lying if I say time has healed you and I of the pain.
I would be lying to all of these,but,
I never erased you,
You and I never left, and moved on,
Your essence I vividly remember.
You warmth I always longed,
And again time failed us of the reverence we had for each other.
For you are unforgettably imprinted in my Heart, my Life.


19 SEP 2019 AT 12:49

The Ice Cream

Him and I had two cones of freshly shaved Ice Cream.
The Park was the perfect setting, where we giggled with the cones in our hands.
The street lights across the park had its own beauty to deepen our moment.
Our little world of happiness had no artificial colors and flavors,
But unadulterated Joy.
He struggled to finish his own cone of ice,
There I came to take his and made it my own.
The Ice Cream night became the point of reference for us, to survive the cold weathers of life.
The Ice Cream night is fondly and dearly remembered.



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