Vidushi Singh   (Vidu)
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Joined 22 August 2019

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Joined 22 August 2019

तरसते रहे जिंदगी भर किसी खास के गुलाब के लिए...
वैसे ही तू तड़पेगा जिंदगी भर किसी की मोहब्बत के लिए..



सुना है इश्क कभी मुलाकातों का मोहताज नहीं होता है... ☺️☺️☺️
दूर रहकर भी फासले ना हो, वही प्यार बेमिसाल होता है.. 😍😍😍



In today's world we are looking for our peace in some outside person but how stupid we are. We realize after a long time that the peace we need is within us. We should find our peace of mind within ourselves.The moment we find this peace within ourselves, we automatically start loving ourselves. Love your own soul first and keep it pure. That is real love.


1 MAY AT 12:15

If you think that people care for you, then this is the bitter truth. Nothing like that happens and the truth is that you are only your charioteer, you only have to learn to care for yourself, this is not for anyone else but for yourself.


1 MAY AT 12:05

There are some sorrows that never go away from our hearts and minds. We think that we should leave these sorrows behind and move on, but this does not happen. A person lives life in a normal way. But whenever we remember the sorrow, it seems as if that incident has happened just now.


29 APR AT 20:53

When you live in a dark world, i.e. you are sitting in a dark room, then you realize that there is a lot of light outside. Light means there are a lot of people outside. The world is so big and we are so far away from each other.
Just like the moon and stars are so far away from us and make us feel very close. Similarly, there are some people around us who make us feel a light even in a dark room.


26 APR AT 18:21

Love is a feeling that stays with you in both good and bad moments of life. No matter how bad a relationship gets, it is true that people never stop caring for each other.


26 APR AT 18:12

Whenever we read a love letter, it doesn't just contain words, it contains emotions that make us fall in love all over again every time we read it.


25 APR AT 6:25

आजकल के लोगों को न जाने किन चीजों में खुशी मिलती है...
मेरे सामने तो बस एक गुलाब आ जाए चेहरे पर मुस्कुराहट अपने आप आ जाती है... ☺️☺️


25 APR AT 2:09

ना जाने कितने दिल टूटते है कुछ चंद लोगो की साजिश की वजह से....!
किसी की जिंदगी से खिलवाड़ मत करो झूठी शान और जिस्म की वजह से....!!


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