vaishnavi parikh   (Sweet honey)
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19 DEC 2022 AT 19:37

Life being pretty immature and unpredictable
Older bonds getting weaker
And unable to make the newer bonds

I feel like rejecting myself sometimes
Feel growing up isn't my cup of tea
Loved writing once
Now I feel it's a way to heal my heart

There was a time
When I used to spend hours glaring outside the balcony
Now I feel it's been years having a view from there
I have been so lost in the bluriness of the air
That I forgot what the smell of the pleasant flower was

Idk if I have enough strength or not
Idk will I be able to bring the younger chill version of myself
But I am happy
That am able to prove myself till here

Cheers to more problems but
More wisdom coming on its way

#life being pretty immature and unpredictable!


9 SEP 2022 AT 13:59

Mixed feelings inside my heart
Feeling tensed and englighten both at the same time
Feelings getting attached to some
Here I have to detach with many

I sometimes wonder what's happening inside me
While am craving to achieve a lot at the same time
A lot of nostalgia moments shake up my heart now
Am getting scared will I remember those now?

Summing it up,
Some leave yet the bond remains forever
Some came but it didn't last long
Some exist but they aren't important now
Some left leaving a greater impact forever..

Mixed feelings for the present and future
Let's see how I balance them now
Laughing and crying I will carry myself
Choosing to stand strong for the upcoming storms now:)

#life is a mess until you sort it out:)


9 AUG 2022 AT 22:32

Sitting in my balcony
Wondering about my past
I wonder how beautiful it went
While I was complaining and being ungrateful for it till today

My chirpy talks with my friends
My stupid thoughts roaming inside my head
My awful talks with my brother
My wishful talks with my sister

I was only counting my fears and insecurities
While there was so much to be happy about

I was full of regrets till yesterday
Today I feel,they were the learnings of my life
Which made me feel better today

Hope we enjoy each moment
Cherish them to the fullest
And yes...
Be grateful for the life we get:)


31 JUL 2022 AT 13:11

Rising that easy?

Depressed seeing that picture back
A lot of memories brush up my mind
Those were the days..
I felt I was trying to kill myself
While putting up a bright smile on my face

Sometimes we failed to face ourselves in our eyes
That emotion makes ur burn ourselves up
All others jingling in circles
Whereas we are confused with our emotions and motions

We are tired but we can't be
Because we have a lot to achieve
We want a break but we can't break
Because we haven't reached the hardest yet

That room where we cry
Just to breakdown our feelings
I still remember that while being nostalgic about my feelings

I know this poem may confuse our feelings
Because it is written by my confused mind..

Cheers to the confusion,anxiety,loneliness we face in our lives!


12 JUL 2022 AT 18:29

Holding on!

Holding my hand to you
When the night seems all alone
Fear crosses my path all the time that
Whether we all will be together or not?

Why does it feel strange?
To entangle ourselves from one another
When we all were born on the same land

In the next few years,
I will hit my hardest low and the brightest high
But who will be there to celebrate it with me?

Holding on to others
Is one of our not so inherited traits
I don't know whether I will be able to inhabit it in me or not

Yes it is strange
To walk done the lane
With no one holding your arm
And making a smile on your face

So let's cheer ourselves up
And make nostalgic moments with one another
When we know this moments will never be lived once again!

Life,why is it so strange?


3 JUL 2022 AT 21:12

Love isnt something which binds us now
Time isn't something which we give each other now
My dear,I used to adore you a lot
Now it seems that adorablity isn't valued;

I used to be attached with you a lot
My heart used to pound million times from now
Now it seems,It is lost in the air and now my heart doesn't even responds;

We used to make a lot of promises
Neither of us even remember them now
I remember those instances when you used to hug me
Now it seems your 'I love you' isn't even meant for me

I feel attached and de-attached both at the same time
I feel to redeem and stuck with you both at the same time
I don't know how this mixed and confused feelings can be sort

But remember my love,
Each of our moments have a special place in my heart now
Maybe this is as quirky as it seems
But that is what we have become now...

#love is no more love now:)


15 JUN 2022 AT 19:05

Life has been pretty chill
A lot of happy vibes wandering in air
My heartbeats are relaxing on the soft couch

This new life beginning does bring positivity
But I end getting a lot of my fears back
Fear of losing what I have
Fear of may not getting what I want
Fear of losing my ownself in the process

But don't worry myself..
I won't be making this journey a regret
But moreover a success for myself and my ones

Hope I work as hard as I can
And I hope
The relation I have with my life becomes a lot more quirky
Till the forever day



8 MAY 2022 AT 20:42

Life full of dreams and desires
I wanna fulfill all of them
I care for urs and mine
But what happens when they are achieved?

The distance will be a little longer
The chats will be a little shorter
I don't know that will I take a hold on you
I am very happy for you but insecure too
I don't wanna share my fear with you
That's why I put a mirror smile on my face for you

Maybe we are not parallels in future
But remember my heart always cares for you


25 MAR 2022 AT 19:42

Hey me,
So many philosophies created in my mind
Each different yet similar to one's life

Sometimes my mind goes haywire
Sometimes it stays calm and composed
Sometimes it wants to yell out
Sometimes it wants to love you

So many emotions and nuances connected
So many lives connected with each other

Each day we find a new way how to love/hate life
Each day we find how to fight our fears
Each day we find a new reason to love

How can we define life
When we ourselves explore it all through the time

Do not start justifying or defining something
Let the journey flourish itself

Don't wait for it
But try hard
You will be your best soon

#quirkiness is good,life!


31 JAN 2022 AT 16:49

Ups and downs..I don't know why why we define life like this
Excited and sad..I don't know why we define feel feelings like this
School and college..I don't know why we define education like this

I don't know why we are summarising all our joys in few words
Why don't we enjoy all our detailed and minute things happening in life

I know we all do this all time
But dude who knows future and who knew the past
So broo...just enjoy and chill!!

Loosen up your mind and slow down your heart
Sometimes just being in the present helps a lot

#You will love life more than now!!


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