Vaishnavi Gajbhiye   (Vaishnavi Gajbhiye)
18 Followers · 4 Following

I’m the way I’m and I will always be.
Joined 19 November 2019

I’m the way I’m and I will always be.
Joined 19 November 2019

दिल ना टूटे उम्मीद करते है,
फिर एक बार दिल लगाते है।


29 APR AT 14:46

It's not okay to adjust all the time.


28 APR AT 14:15

You have to work on yourself again. Because family trauma destroys everything again.


25 APR AT 1:14

Dear girls,
Please marry a man,
Don't adopt a child.


25 APR AT 1:11

Dear husband,
I am your wife not your mother.


21 APR AT 16:55

When you can't appreciate someone,
Then don't depreciate them either.


9 APR AT 20:01

I don't feel excited about anything anymore,
Because i know where it ends.


9 APR AT 1:37

Everyone says,
It's never too late,
But sometimes
It's too late to be ok again.


5 APR AT 23:08

वो जिसे आखरी सास तक
चाहने के दावे किए थे हमने,
वो जब आखरी सास ले रहे थे तब
हम अपने काम में मशरूफ थे।


5 APR AT 22:55

कोई परवाह करे हमारी
ये अब हम नही चाहते।

कोई दुआ में मांग ले हमे
ये अब हम नही चाहते।

कोई प्यार करे हमसे,
ये अब हम नही चाहते।

कोई आसू पोछे हमारे
ये अब हम नही चाहते।

कोई हमसफर मिल जाए हमे
ये अब हम नही चाहते।


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