#willyouplease quotes

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21 FEB 2017 AT 19:25

Dearest Writers,

1. The word of the day is LOCK. Use it in your story or a poem or a one-liner and come up with something brilliant.

2. Fill in the blank: ____________, now will you please?

3. Today is World Mother Language Day. Make sure you write in your #mothertongue.


21 FEB 2017 AT 22:59

He said, "Accept my love, now will you please?",
And his proposal was rejected.
As that night the snow covered the trees.

But she was not to blame,
Because he left her alone,
As her love vanquished in the flame.

It was her heart she protected.
This time she was scared,
To prevent a heart break she was prepared.

His heart broke it's true,
And his love lost it's value.
Karma comes back they say,
And he got it on that day.


21 FEB 2017 AT 20:12

"Lock all your Negative Vibes.
They just suppress your Creativity.
Make it Evitable,
Now will you please?"

A Mother affirms her Daughter.


21 FEB 2017 AT 21:05

I shooed it away, buried it deep
Beneath the layers, underneath a heap
But like a secret, it kept creeping out
Like I am hiding, a sacred vow
I talked to it, made it clear
Always stay away, don't come near
But it was adamant, never paid a heed
Knew very well, it was my greed
To keep it within, never let go
Keep it for me, and never ever show
Daily morning, noon and night
With my self, I would fight
Let me go, Oh, let us make peace
Let me go, now will you please?


22 FEB 2017 AT 16:14

You taught me "I am a girl" when I was just a kid.
When I was a girl, you taught me "I am a woman".
When I was dreaming of me, you gifted me a stranger with his responsibilities.
When I wasn't done hearing mum's lullaby, you fitted one on my lips.
When I wanted to decide for my kids, you asked me to let their father.

Now I want to be with my grand children, you want me to shift to old age home for my son's comfort?

Enough is enough my MIND.
You could have said a stable NO, but you didn't.
So, now will you please?


22 FEB 2017 AT 10:20

I always saw her standing in the balcony; leaving the porch as soon as I entered. I always caught a glimpse of her on rainy days. The flowy hair, the pale skin was just as I had forgotten. Everyday, I used to open an album, searching for her photo to burn.

I used to ask her, "2 years ago, I buried your memories along with you. I left flowers, my dreams, my hopes, my love for you, now will you please ?"


23 NOV 2020 AT 9:44

Will you love my teenage ??
Will you accept me this way ??
In the end of life old age you remember our memories ??
Will you give with true feelings a morning hug ??
Our hand transferred with curly
In the last breath time you tight my hands badly ??
- Sanjukta Ghosh


5 NOV 2017 AT 13:33

Will you even cry when I die???
When i die, will you come and take me in your arms and hug my corpse the way you promised to hug me??
Will you shed a tear on seeing me dead??
Will you even take my hand in yours and kiss it once??
Just for once would you meet me, for the first and last time, on my demise??
Would you come or not??
Will you have some time to bid me a good bye for one last time??
For one last time, will you manage to waste some moment of your precious life on me??


22 FEB 2017 AT 10:03

I came all the way,
To take that lock from you,
The one I opened to let you in!
Now that you are in,
I don't want you to go out,

I want that lock back,
Now will you please?


22 FEB 2017 AT 13:36

Full many a gem,
lie in guile, locked in the words,
on surface, in depths,
deceptively simple, tryingly challenging.

Now, a reader you are, will you please
dive into them, skim or scan, as only
you should, to garner the treasure as per your measure?
