#mystrenghth quotes

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28 FEB 2017 AT 10:45

When I was in a relationship,I used to sleep early morning after late night chats. My father's loud voice to wake me up would make me irritate those days and I used to behave rude with him.
But the day I broke up my Dad was the only one to listen my screaming silence and those hidden tears. I slept on his lap and he wiped my tears.
Next morning he wake me up with the same loud voice but shockingly I woke up with a SMILE because I felt I haven't lose anything. He still does the same thing and I Love it.


21 JUN 2020 AT 20:28

My motivation or my strength ?
Well, you are both papa !
My inner self as well as my outer appearance,
Both are strong because of you papa !
They say you never cry ?
Well.. I say, hurt his daughter once,
and he will be violent.
But the moment she sobs in pains,
He will not be able to control his tears anymore.
Yes, I believe in one thing.
No matter how many clothes I have in my Cupboard,
But the moment I ask for more,
You let me have it.
No questions on why, ever !
Even if you wanted something important at that time,
I come first to you.
You may scold us as much as you want to,
But the moment mom raises her voice on us,
You know how to quiet her down.
It is said,
A girl wants a husband exactly like her father.
And I believe it to be true.
Though I know there can be no replica to you,
However, I would try to get someone
as loving and caring as you.
Best man is what everyone looks for ?
I have the Best with me since I was born !


29 SEP 2020 AT 2:27

आज जब आँखें बंद की तो दो चेहरा नज़र आया,
अंधेरों में जैसे एक रोशनी नज़र आया,
याद आने लगी वह सारे बचपन की यादें,
जब समय का परिंदा उड़ता नज़र आया,
जब जब सोचती उनके बारे में तो आँखें भर आती है,
पर यही आँशु भी एक हौसला दे जाती है,
दूर जाने के ख्याल से भी रूह काँप जाता है ,
जब ज़िन्दगी बिन इनके कैसी होगी ये मन में आता है|


7 DEC 2018 AT 23:42

My cheers in success
My confidence in failure
My God of life
My strength to fight

No one can replace
The love of mine
For you it's pure
And truly divine

I wish you live
Longer and miles
For you my mom
My love is wise


5 JAN 2018 AT 13:52

It's not my power they fear of,
but the strength behind it.


4 MAR 2022 AT 20:06

I m a traveller...
travelling in a circuit...
Where the finishing line is you...🙌
