Sylvester Jacob   (Sylvester Jacob)
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Goodness of God leads us to Repentance
Grace of God is Greather than His Wrath
Joined 6 April 2020

Goodness of God leads us to Repentance
Grace of God is Greather than His Wrath
Joined 6 April 2020
13 FEB AT 5:50

Do not doubt the process of God or question how and when it is going to work?

The cross is proof that God doesn't make plans that fail, but the one that prospers through the course of time.


31 JAN AT 5:57

Patience helps you in not letting you go into the complaining mode.


31 JAN AT 5:54

The more you are patient, the more the act of kindness done by God floods through your mind.


20 JAN AT 13:08

Don't doubt the intentions of God when you are unable to understand his ways and methods.

His intentions are always to love you and to always do good to you.


19 JAN AT 14:13

Hope involves the expected, joyful end. If the beginning is joyful and the end is not joyful, then you can't term it as joyful.

And even if the beginning is not joyful but the end is joyful then you can conclude it as joyful.


19 JAN AT 14:09

Hope makes sure that the bad is not the ending, not the full stop but the comma, to make way for the good.


19 JAN AT 14:07

Hope tells you that even though very bad has happened to you, you can still have the very best, the very good.


19 JAN AT 14:05

Hope always leads to a joyful end. Hope gives assurance that the bad will not continue forever and the bad has an expiry date.


19 JAN AT 9:02

When you start dividing the work with time, you automatically become more consistent and accountable.


19 JAN AT 9:00

When a lot of work needs to be done in a small amount of time,

That means the work was not divided with respect to time.


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