Sumanth Samprathi  
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Joined 5 August 2017
10 JUL 2019 AT 19:51

Each second of life is a testimony
as to what we we are.
It is essential to judge ourselves on
those few moments which will
define as to who we truly are.


9 FEB 2019 AT 2:33

The moment everything in life becomes a symbol of new light, new found happiness for not only you but for all around you, is the moment you experience a sense of fulfillment that is truly profound!


11 NOV 2018 AT 21:08

Long gone are the days where you could not wait to get home from school to play along till night fell, but the memories of those days are something one will cherish for the rest of their lives!


10 NOV 2018 AT 22:37

Not letting the devil in us to latch
onto hate is a requisite for the
peace of our mind.


26 OCT 2018 AT 22:03

Freedom is probably the most elusive term used to justify all the actions which have in times horrible implications for the society. We tend to somehow turn a blind eye to those implications because that's for the greater good? In this capitalist driven Democratic systems, who's terms are truly heard?


26 OCT 2018 AT 20:41

When you have a group of forces,
Which all in there own regard a
force to be reckoned with,
Growth is but inevitable.


23 OCT 2018 AT 6:13

After spending some time on this planet with whichever society you were part of, you begin to realize that no matter what, life is but a spiral which will take you on a path where you'll constantly search for some anchor to cling onto. In a lot of cases we are lost without that anchor and in some cases we drown because of it. We create prejudices, expectations and greed along this journey which again only complicates every step that we want to take. In a way, we as a society have managed to ridicule everything that exists beyond our framework of thinking as worthless.


4 SEP 2018 AT 11:34

Life is a beautiful journey
where you get beaten into
the most streamlined elegant
form so that you may fly.


12 MAR 2018 AT 17:57

As time goes by, as we move on era
to era it becomes more and more apparent that change is but


4 JAN 2018 AT 21:20

Believing in signs can seem superstitious
but it can be the most subtle way for
the universe to communicate.


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