Steve Hollis   (Hot x)
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Hot x is inspiring, a fresh breath of air when reading his Quotes
Joined 13 October 2019

Hot x is inspiring, a fresh breath of air when reading his Quotes
Joined 13 October 2019
31 MAR AT 15:06

At that very moment when time prevailed to pull your coat tail.
Suffering is the form of hell, high walls of fire burning every desire into the wind, it blew.
The tale signs of tail being sold or shared.
That tail does not belong to me, that tail belongs to her.
It hurts for the tail to be stabbed and poked by another...
I stand behind the period of this poem.


12 MAR AT 13:27

There are 6 sides that live in You.
Planted and invested in You.
Character Allowed you to stay
Ego ran you Away
Personality who wants you to leave
Appearance Blew them Away
Emotions served Now and Laters
Thoughts purposed or played you
Don't let lay down and get up be
The best two things you Kno to do
Show your worth In silence
Not paying any attention
You gonna miss your blessings
Life and Lessons
Expensive Experience
Keep your grass cut low
Get down Snake
Don't slip or be fake
Tricks are Angel


6 MAR AT 9:11

Isreal does not tell your truth
Is real estate taxes your truth
Is real, is said by a lot of you
Is real walks with your truth
Is real, does not see you
Your lies have dropped bombs on you
The land of the Free, has plans for
Your truth
Is real, cannot be true falsely accusations over comprehend you
I'm, Is real often said by you
Peter or Paul, Daniel solved them all
God spaced the banquet Hall
Marduk and Isis had a great fall
You'll all continue to repeat his name
Amun Ra defeated by YHWH AllowYaway
To see and not look too far into the deep
Too many people saying they are real
Too far gone, too stop and pay some sense to attention.
Yeshua, yes you are welcome to believe
Knowing ♾️ is everlasting.


4 MAR AT 23:23

Enchanted with self, looks beautiful on you. Glowing, growing fall for you, get up for yourself. Flower dynamite flourished well. Want she do it!!


26 JAN AT 12:13


Wanted is like you calling me in the morning, for a Grand Rising.
Wanted is like you always see the brightest side of me.
Wanted like a mandate, something on the plate to hold your fate.
Wanted like a warrant, come and do some time with me.
Wanted like teeth to a dentist, appointments showed up on time.
AllowYaway to appreciate wanted boundaries.


25 JAN AT 13:01

Move to where your so bright, they can't see you with shades on.


25 JAN AT 12:57

A story was told, that unfolded a lie.


25 JAN AT 12:53

Anglers are people out looking to hook you!
Watch for the Hook!


25 JAN AT 12:50

Play harder than yesterday


24 JAN AT 18:54

"Come in" said the Store Clerk, Len walked in troublesome and scared.
She had been lost wondering her way to a safe place. Consumed with hate, lust, and self hatred. She only knew lay down and get up. Len was a street walker since the tender age of 15.
Now at age 19 she wanted more than lay down and get up. The Store Clerk had a lost daughter gone to the streets. He knew when he seen her, she smelled of men's cologne and condom scent of a street walker. A cup of coffee would do her some justice and a conversation led to a blanket and a nap down stairs in the basement. She slept for 2 days and realized she left her little boy with one of her tricks.
One day into her sleep, a tall guy dropped a baby boy off at the store because someone seen the mom go into the store. The Store Clerk took the baby as his own and took care of the baby with his girlfriend Marisol.
When Len woke up the second day, she was crying and about to lose her mind. A door open and steps filled with foots hitting one by one. The Store Clerk entered the basement with a baby in his arms. Len jumped for joy as if it was Christmas.
The Store Clerk allowed Len and the baby to stay until Len, got her life on track.


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