somiya santosh  
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Joined 15 April 2022

Joined 15 April 2022
18 APR AT 22:07

To attain your desires,
practice patience with
what you despise.


18 APR AT 22:00

"Sometimes, losing now
means winning bigger later."


18 APR AT 21:56

"Dare to dream, then paint your reality with the hues of persistence and passion."


18 APR AT 21:52

"Paint your dreams with
the colors of determination,
and let your actions be the
brushes that bring them to life."


18 APR AT 21:45

Real growth isn't always visible,
its essence is felt within,
unseen but profound.


25 FEB AT 18:24

In life's intricate dance, choices unfold,
Persist through pain, let stories be told.
Embrace the challenge, let perseverance sing,
A symphony of strength, in every swing.

Or ponder a new path, a road untried,
Where whispers of change softly reside.
Seek support's embrace, a comforting wing,
In unity's solace, let hope take wing.

Reflect on your goals, let motivations bloom,
In the garden of dreams, dispel the gloom.
For in choices, a poetic dance starts,
In the canvas of life, paint your own hearts.


25 FEB AT 18:21

Be the unwavering force that
rises after a hundred falls,
undeterred by frustration,unyielding
in the face of disappointment.
In exhaustion's embrace and
the scorching trial of rejection,
summon the indomitable courage
to believe in the transformative magic
of a fresh attempt, drawing forth
a powerful, victorious outcome.


25 FEB AT 18:17

Embracing the highs, confronting the lows,
Harvesting lessons from life's ebbs and flows.
From setbacks to comebacks, a triumphant spree,
Transforming hate into love, the dance of glee.
Gratitude echoes in the grand tapestry,
For every twist and turn, in life's symphony.


25 FEB AT 18:14

As life blesses and things fall into place,
Remember, you deserve it all.
Embrace the goodness gracefully.


25 FEB AT 18:12

As the universe aligns,everything
I desire is on its way to me,
while within, I carry the treasures
of my dreams waiting to unfold.


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