Smriti Pradhan   (Smri)
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Joined 17 September 2017

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Joined 17 September 2017

Instagram DMs

In the quiet of the inbox, a message appears,
but instead of warmth, it stings and deceives.
Words like daggers, aimed to wound,
trolling in DMs, leaving hearts marooned.

Behind the screen, emotions churn,
tears flow silently, while trolls taunt and spurn.
In a space meant for connection, they sow discord,
leaving scars unseen, hearts longing to be restored.



Our love, like brewing coffee, began with patience.
A slow process, allowing flavors and emotions to meld.
In the quiet moments, it simmered, gaining depth.
Until it filled the cups of our hearts.


26 APR AT 23:33

In the olden days, one used to wait for pigeons.
Now one waits for tweets.
Love's changing feathers.


26 APR AT 22:55

Limited Edition
Chapters penned, proofread, then sent to print,
after nine months, the book is released.
Characters act as scripted by the hand,
perfect scenes, flaws, life's shifting sand.

Wins and losses paint life's varied hue,
until the last page turns, the end in view.
Breath, a limited edition script, each page a day,
use it wisely, for once spent, no replay.


26 APR AT 13:37

you're stuck on me

but I'm not gum


26 APR AT 13:14

we need not
always express
what's in our hearts,
even unspoken
words find
weaving silent arts


26 APR AT 10:31

the wife finds money in her husband's shirt pocket while doing laundry and returns it.


25 APR AT 23:59

shared dreams that could not flourish



25 APR AT 18:17

you're waiting for someone to come out of the bathroom, and the struggle becomes too real


25 APR AT 18:01

Waiting for Sunday be like


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