Sharada Banan   (SHARADH)
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Instagram happy_saint21
Joined 23 June 2018

Instagram happy_saint21
Joined 23 June 2018
25 APR AT 18:57

तन्हाई बढ़ती गई
रात इंतजार में
कटने लगी
जरा सी आहट
और मन तड़प उठी


23 APR AT 19:40

today at dawn
sun was up blazing
trees shook at warm breeze
my feathered friends,
opened their wings
to fly out in the vast sky
at sunset, I waited
for their return
but they found new a shelter


20 APR AT 18:26

Those scattered pieces of life
gathering was not easy
time moved fast
without your presence
in each piece,
I searched for you
but your image
seemed, crushed and crumbled
under the feet of time's velocity


17 APR AT 12:33

अपनी घोसले में
बुनती है ख़्वाब
ऊंची उड़ान की
जब उड़ती है
विशाल गगन पर
मुकाबला टक्कर की थी
ऊँचाई पर
उस घोसले में
सुकून थी
यहाँ कहाँ आकर फ़स गई
इस ऊँचाई पर


14 APR AT 21:57

thousands dreams
dancing on my eyelids
when moon was up
at silent nights
my insomnia on the peak
and I wait for dawn to arrive


10 APR AT 8:37

moon's audacity
camouflaging the sun
crossing his path was not easy
few moments of ecstasy
sun burned anyway
in between a shooting star
tried to escape
never knowing its destiny
and an eclipse happened


4 APR AT 19:18

I turned to look back
holding your memories
in my hand
I craved for your soothing
like the zephyr of evening
two drops of tears rolled down
making your image blurry


31 MAR AT 12:12

semicolon is just a pause
before proceeding further
like a tired traveller resting
before resuming his journey
It's not end of the story


31 MAR AT 10:37

the touch of you
caress it slowly,
make my sleeping soul
feel the deep connection
between you and me
let my soul come,
out of its slumber
your soothing touch
that's what I seek...


28 MAR AT 10:19

my bygone days
some unfortunate
some unforgettable
memories dance
on my eyelids
only to vanish
at dawn


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