Samanwita Roy   (Samanwita Roy)
4.2k Followers · 18 Following

A 14 year old souvenir of zilch.
Joined 24 July 2019

A 14 year old souvenir of zilch.
Joined 24 July 2019
13 MAR 2023 AT 8:32

Seasonal Reflection
As seasons change, so too does our fate
With each transition, we must contemplate
The ephemeral nature of time and space
And the grandeur of life's intricate embrace

The vernal equinox heralds spring's arrival
A time of growth, renewal, and survival
When flora flourish and fauna frolic
And life renews its joyful frolic

Summer's solstice brings the blazing sun
As nature basks in the warmth and fun
The world is awash in verdant hues
And life thrives in its boundless views

Autumn's equinox, a time of balance
As nature's bounty we must take in balance
The leaves transform from green to gold
As winter's chill creeps ever so bold

Winter's solstice, the longest night
When darkness reigns with icy might
The world is cloaked in a frosty veil
As nature sleeps, its energy frail

But with each season comes a chance
To learn and grow and advance
To embrace life's endless flow
And cherish every moment we know


12 MAR 2023 AT 18:27

Our heart is a paradise~
The heart, an organ that beats within,
A muscle that pumps blood, a human sin.
But oh, it is more than just flesh and bone,
It's the wellspring of emotions, we have known.

For it is the heart that fills with love,
That flutter and skips, like a bird above.
It's the heart that aches with every loss,
That weeps and mourns, with heavy cross.

The heart knows no boundaries, no bounds,
It feels with intensity, that astounds.
It can soar high, like a bird in the sky,
Or sink low, with a heavy sigh.

The heart is the seat of our desires,
Of passion and fire, that never tires.
It's the well of hope, that never dries,
Of dreams and wishes, that reach the skies.


10 JAN 2022 AT 18:17

//Museum of moments//


12 SEP 2021 AT 13:33

Twitching tapestries of love ~


30 JUL 2021 AT 18:49


21 JUL 2021 AT 19:09


16 JUL 2021 AT 12:16


14 JUL 2021 AT 13:32


8 JUL 2021 AT 7:17

She paints sunset on uncolored walls
and draws life out of her poetries,
she blooms daisies in backyard and
sentimental verses in memories.

She plucks pain from the moon
and germinate hope in its heart,
she gives shelter to the metaphors
and feed them through her poetic art.

You find yourself writing a monologue
on the stages of life, where her thoughts
resonate from the fragrance of her smile.

You step amidst the blank spaces and
walk on the paths of her rhymes,
where existence exist out of self worth
and decipher meaning in between her poetic lines.

Her poetries speak up
the language of many souls,
where beauty resides beneath
the curve of her smiling vows.

She is the kind of hope which
leaks out of every dawn,
where I meet her kindness
together wiping the traces of forlorn.


1 JUL 2021 AT 16:53

~ Broken Shell ~
//A song in caption//


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