Salauny Verma  
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In process to explore myself
Joined 25 August 2020

In process to explore myself
Joined 25 August 2020
29 APR AT 23:31

With those closed eyes,
when you kiss me,
I feel like i'm diving deep into the ocean,
where the world above is fading away,
and at the bottom its just you and me.


5 APR AT 13:56

Sometimes leaving is better than loving,
When the heart is torn, when the soul's aching,
In the shadows of doubt, in the depths of pain,
Sometimes walking away is the only refrain.


4 APR AT 20:53

In shadows cast, I vow this rhyme,
"I won't be a disappointment this time."
As you depart, with grace bestowed,
"It's okay for you to leave, I know."

Along the path where heartaches roam,
Once upon a broken road, I've grown.
Amidst the ache, where tears have flown,
Pain's my only home, a truth I've known.

Through solitude's embrace, I've shown,
I've learned to be alone, to stand on my own.


3 APR AT 14:30

समय का चक्र फिरता है,
चंद घड़ी की चाल में, जीवन की कहानी बदलती है।

जो कल था अज्ञात, आज है विश्वास का बंधन,
बिना नोचे ख़्वाबों का, अपना वक़्त बदलता है।

सितारों की रोशनी बदलती, सावन की बूँदें आती हैं,
चलती ज़िन्दगी की राहों में, नए सपने संग लाता है।


1 APR AT 14:43

The fool, adorned in cap and jest,
With mischief brewing in his chest.
On April's day, he takes the stage,
To play his part, the witty sage.


1 APR AT 14:36

Your words paint a vivid scene,
Where kisses become the elixir of dreams.
In each touch, a moment to revive,
Flying on love's wings, touching the sky.


29 MAR AT 19:54

We hold the silent weight of words unsaid and feelings unshared, each a quiet story yearning to find its voice in the melody of life.


27 MAR AT 21:30

Sometimes we are bound to live with those MEMORIES, FEELINGS and LOVE that we can neither pour it out nor we can let them die.


22 MAR AT 0:00

And every time, I keep searching for you,
In twinkling stars, and gentle moon.
In chording guitars, with skies so blue.
In melding memories, and every word that was meant to be true.


10 MAR AT 23:42

Pieces of you,
Make me whole
Drowning in you,
Heal my soul.


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