Rosie Booker   (Rosie B)
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Joined 15 December 2017

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Joined 15 December 2017
15 JUN 2022 AT 23:06

it would be amorphous,
different for each soul,
each encounter,
tentative to touch
ever-changing, adapting
A transient place.

What would yours look like?
Fall in love and see.


4 JUN 2022 AT 15:45

Taking a mental snapshot of this moment, the way each of your faces shine in silent smiles. The wind blows wistfully outside while we watch, sitting cosily in the conservatory treasuring each other.

Two bodies snuggle on the red armchair, cushions creating comfort, squished closely showing affection and care. Your youthful cheeks glow as you sit safely, enjoying the love of siblings together: golden hair with strawberry, oldest and youngest, joined together in joy.

Sitting here, my brown-haired beauty drapes his legs over mine, brown eyes sparkling with happiness. Silence does not need to be filled as we share this moment together.

I watch. This moment is so simple, nothing happens, yet I treasure it forever in blissful joy.


14 MAY 2022 AT 2:25

Red and Gold

Just a glimpse, fleetingly,
Red and gold, unfurling in the dirt,
Faded yet everlasting
Memories that still hurt.
Pollution, plastic
That's what others see but for me?
That red and gold peeking,
Speaking of all I've lost.
Losing myself in flashes:
Your eyes, smile, face,
Your hand holding mine
As you slip from this place.
Red and gold unfurling in the dirt,
A never-ending reminder,
The truth of ashes to ashes
The truth of dust to dust.


7 MAY 2022 AT 2:54

"Are you even listening to me anymore? I remember when you used to hang off every word, mesmorising each word, each change of tone."
"Are you going to answer me? Why did you stop? What can I do to make this better?"
"I'm sorry. I know you deserved better than for me to do that to you but do you need to shut me out? Shout, scream, squeal, anything but this please."
"Truth always wins in the end."
"I'm starting to feel that our conversations have become one-sided"
"Please come back to me."


7 MAY 2022 AT 2:10

even as chaos erupts around me,
I find tranquillity amongst its pages;
Find my way home.


4 MAY 2022 AT 2:12

Ambitious and alone, an
Effervescently, enigmatically ending
It is impossible in its insane
Optimism over other
Understandings using unity.


2 MAY 2022 AT 1:10

the darkness brightens your thoughts,
the silence loudens your inner voice,
the rest busys your mind.

On some nights,

you feel alive.


1 MAY 2022 AT 0:19

Bluebells, blossom, bursting bright,
Raindrops fall but where's the sun?
Easter chocolate, resist with might,
Amalgamating things, April's done.


30 APR 2022 AT 21:58

Racing across the field, breathing heavily, she looked behind her to see if she was being followed; all that remained was his dark eyes in her imagination staring intensely back.


25 OCT 2021 AT 2:23

Parenthood: sitting outside
Toilet cubicles
Listening to huffs and puffs,
Splash splosh
"Mum wipe my bum"
They don't tell you this
When you're waiting
To be a parent,
Soon you'll be waiting
Sitting outside
Toilet cubicles.


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