Richard Gogoi   (RICHARD 8 BIT)
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NE India,Assam
Joined 17 May 2019

NE India,Assam
Joined 17 May 2019
23 JAN 2022 AT 16:35

This void between you and them.
Do you feel it! I do too.
Since the last day of my childhood I've been attempting to fill this void.
I've been growing orchards from the blood they had left me in.
From that last day of my childhood,
The pillars and their adults started to shorten in height.
I could see the open fields of harmony with companionship beyond their fences.
My friends are meant to play there.
They don't belong in your cages.
The new great heights were then of the ancient trees and the sprouts neighbouring nigh my small ears.
The skies were touched to the firmament by the screams of betrayed companions.
The past is long gone,I have it now.
The magic memory of the cries of my present friends.
The unmet brothers and sisters still follow me,
When in the morning I extend my envy into ever widening affection.
The Black Sun is there.Our Golden Sun is here too.
Come with me..The evergreen sanctuary of love awaits us.
For he who dwells in love,dwells in God (Bible).


18 JAN 2022 AT 14:13

To and fro
Hammering at the flowers for more.
Sang it yesterday,
A song from her sweeter day.
Let me start afresh from the beginning here.
The warmth that she innocently brings near.

What have you yet seen of her beauty anyway.
Us,together lying calmly before a serene love's newer gateway.
In the allness of these thoughts and little happenings,
The filled bodies and empty halls.
Eagered knowingly for this familiar arrival,
There she dwells with nature's one-ever charming spiral.
The colours from our journeys,
Past the tall trees and cloudy mornings.
She reminds you of another story dearer.
To whom shall she draw a picture with a smile clearer..

After all these wars of foretelling and unremembered blessings,
Go vanishing into the allness of this Universe.
There and then,we together will write about her.
A gift towards her, in us always kept.
Of charming friendships in secret pact.


9 JAN 2022 AT 20:06

Is it too soon to say this!
Of her light holding the roofs of a shy bliss.
How usual is this,yet to be greeted to utmost.
When she told you not of the abyss,
In her ways,praising your presence as if passive almost.
But this is her way,nature's way..
Don't tell me our home is that far away.
It was never,for this voice knows us more.
Than any haughty speaker's desperate lore.
Now,let us not throw all from a restless bay,
And listen twice what she always had to say.


8 JAN 2022 AT 20:40

Strange is my love.
And stranger grows the world that it wants to carry.
Loneliest is my presence in this crowded battlefield of emotions dunked into each other.
Hundreds are my love stories that never began.
Only a few,those too leaving me smiling and ill upon some extended span.
What did I lack..And what did you fake!
Go furthest to where my eyes can reach you no more.
As you always in silence wished,but at least tell me so.
My shells enjoy staying confused the most,
Between your two sides caging or blessing a host.
But,I beg you today with all my might,
To hit me for the one last time and I'll happily go astray,
From our long gathered and sweet laughing height.


4 JAN 2022 AT 21:34

With wounds pact,
I travelled and finally met you.
I will now sell all my sorrows hastening through the back door.
And I shall never again look back in pride at the price of them all.
This is it.
The silence of the crowd,
The great kings happily kneeling down,
The tiger's smile
And flowers grieving.
Now I shall hug all the thorns and soft green beds looking at your smile.
The abyss getting tired and heaven reappearing through your voice.
You are as the waves that fill our everyday holes soon enough.
Let it just be.


29 DEC 2021 AT 15:26

Deceive me to my greatest honesty.
Render me a fool to my closest treasury.
Between the monster's den and the brave yet lovely shore,
I know,I've been always leaning towards my evergreen sanctuary.


27 DEC 2021 AT 16:05

I want to go further towards this.This feeling of being friendless even in such crowded surroundings.This feeling of staying unloved,I want to reach towards the edges of it.Those greatest moments of my shared joy.
When I sat down empty stomach to write,when I forgot about my sleep to say something in framed lines,in attempts of reaching someone.
Who have I been anyway,but always the spare to say hi to,after they have gotten tired and high in parties,when they have no longer any pretty faces killing them without sounds.
I,the world's simplest failure.I,someone's easiest friend.I,who is someone's most difficult company.I want to find the edges and fall.Memories spreading throughout all the dead bodies,never to be written again.My chapter,shall not have any remembrances in any corner or tallest walls.
I must..Cease to exist.
Have been the call of it from my birth,
Shall be the death of me while I'm alive.
This is it.Let me have my arms cut off,my flesh rotten,my face spitted on.Till I become one with the barren lands.A child once too alive,now happily embracing his highest death through said and unsaid ridicules.Just give me..One last goodbye.


25 DEC 2021 AT 12:36

I have written a few lines here,
But some space there I shall leave.
That you may want to fill upon a try,
Hawks, preachers and town's evergreen beauties soaring by.
Aye,some frames,fame and one name with a game.
For a while the poles will be falling without a shame.
In much of my turbulence and hatred,
There was love,love unpacked.
With no barriers to announce for carriers.
Amongst the soaring of my anger and antiquity,
There was the hiccups of love's naked children.
A sore throat and an anguish,
Softening even the mildest of all,
Of love's creations disguised in blurry cruelties.


15 DEC 2021 AT 21:29

My beautiful death.
My unheard songs of God's only faith.
Only the one that is left.
My beautiful death,
Wrapping the treasures from an unknown theft.
Come again,would you!
For my pretending soul nearest to our eternal rest.
My death,the rejuvenator of my loved ones,
And their hidden dreams creating our dearest zest.
Forbid me through your windows and doors from the sides and behind.
Still my death's beauty shall not be declined.
My beautiful death,
I am coming.
No race track,no finish line.
One among all,and all with one.
And your light shall for brighter shine.
Oh my beautiful death,
Take me along your flight,
Where nothingness moulds her eternal sight.


15 DEC 2021 AT 20:53

If you would know aloneness,accept my company.I'll take you to the emptiest halls that once filled my fields with colourful waters of sweet childishness.
If you would know aloofness,come at my door.Hear the screams of content longing wanting to lead a hand extended.
If you would know love,be as I have been.Riding one's own weight till the light starts burning the rusts of self pride.
If you would know,take my eyes.And look at yourself and through you.
The Universe at one hand,and withering again.
For the others who shall smile before my ordinary rain.


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