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Joined 28 April 2018

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Joined 28 April 2018
18 APR AT 23:53

The echo of hope still beats in our heart,
love find its way,
a bond so eternal,
in heart interwined,
destined to be together,


13 APR AT 23:07

She was his best friend,

She had to wipe his tears,
keeping in mind not to shed any herself,

She was there for him ,
keeping in mind never to let her emotions flow.

She had to show him,she loved someone else,
Keeping in mind never to look at any other boys.

She had to listen to all his love stories,
keeping in mind never to let him realise.

Her love...


23 MAR AT 22:33

He has the soul of the moon,
a heart too pure ,
at times a wild angry bird,
a irritation at times ,
above all he is my cure ,
a life liner of mine !!!


5 MAR AT 11:15

On life's journey,
holding hand in hand,
facing the obstacles,
creating the memories,
finding solace in each other,
never giving up on each other,
by celebrating the journey,
without any regrets.



16 FEB AT 0:01

without the opportunities,
Life's journey unfolds in moments of bliss


15 FEB AT 23:57

Without his thoughts,
like whispers in the wind,
Or shadows in the night.


11 FEB AT 23:22

Feelings were locked,
inside the cage of the heart,
reminding themselves,
to go with the flow,
resting on Destiny's page....


11 FEB AT 22:47

Adulthood is all about,
mastering our,
anger and
behind our smile...


9 FEB AT 0:12

" Will you give me a chance to be both the angel and demon of your life forever? "


7 FEB AT 23:05

In life
going with the flow,
and planning life in advance,
are two divergent choices,
each shaping our existence,
selecting wisely,
defines our journey of life...
