Random quotes Swati   (Random quotes - Swati❤️)
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Joined 5 January 2020
13 MAR AT 22:01

I think I like you
For being you.
I think like you for
To stay with me in my worst moments.
I think I like you for
Being friends with me for just the way I'm, not to show off the so-called fancy friendship status the like others.
I think I like you for
Being the one who just don't want to be heard but is willing to hear.
I think I like you for to be the part of my every mood, and for not judging me.
I think I like you for
Not to be unlike others who are there to celebrate my good times and always absent in my sorrows.
I think I like you for
Not to be pretending who you're not.
I think I like you more when I see the way you are.


13 MAR AT 21:35

I often take much more time than others to make a decision .
I know it's a cup of cake for some people . But,
You know it's hard for me to make a decision quickly.
I'm afraid of risks and failures too. Yes I'm afraid of the outcomes, which has very low chances to success.
I'm afraid to put down people who depends on me.
And yes, I accept myself me as me.
I judge everything rationally and I see the end of it.
I don't focus on the short term goal.
I take time. But once decided, no one can make me to change it.
And yes this is also me .


13 MAR AT 17:55

I don't want to write ✍️ all the time🕚
Sometimes all I want is to listen 👂 to good music 🎶 and drink a good tea.


13 MAR AT 17:40

ना जाने क्यूँ, आया एक ख्याल मन में आज।
कि जो है मन में कुछ समय से
लिख कर के दूँ उसे एक आवाज।
कि जाऊं कोई ऐसी जगह,
हो जहां सामने पर ऊंचे-ऊंचे पहाड़
और संग में एक शांत सी बहती नदी।
पैर डाल के बैठ जाऊँ , किनारे पड़े किसी पत्थर पर ।
सारी फिक्र,थकान को मिटा दे जो,
ऐसी ठंडी-ठंडी सुकून वाली हवा चले ।
कोई ना हो आस-पास और न हो किसी की कचर-कचर।
दूर सब शोर से , ख्यालों में कहीं डूब जाऊं
होकर ज़रा सा बेफिक्र।


29 FEB AT 22:55

It's not that everything which I write will come out perfect, sometimes it can be broken, giving the feeling of something is missing and doesn't have the spark it must have.
But the thing is I still done it. And some of you are reading it liking and commenting on it and some are still pointing out the mistakes.


29 FEB AT 22:36

not easy for everyone to understand but believe me I know what I'm doing.


29 FEB AT 22:30

believes in you, even when others are taking your words as joke.


29 FEB AT 22:22

पर तकदीर ने तुमसे मिलाना लिखा है ।
भूलना चाहते हैं तुमको पर
बार-बार याद दिलाना
दिमाग ने यादाश्त में रखा है ।


29 FEB AT 22:13

After losing me
I found out
The best person


29 FEB AT 22:07

conversation with self
made me realise
my existence matters


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