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A learner
Joined 16 December 2018

A learner
Joined 16 December 2018

प्रेयसी तुम संभालौ हृदय को मेरे
वियोग में तुम्हारें हैं व्याकुल बहुत

आँखों में अश्रु लिए
ढूँढ़ता है ये तुमको जगह-जगह।।


26 APR AT 16:15

Look at me my beloved
Come, come hold me
I am falling apart!


22 APR AT 20:46

My mind has tangled me so badly
The more I try to get out
the more stronger it grips get .


21 APR AT 22:16

You are two different person when you are run by your emotions and when you are run by your intelligence and it's okay.

You should learn to accept both side their is no need to shame one side and appreciate another side.
You will think intelligence side is better l will act mature and it will look cool, no buddy
people will perceive you the way they want to
No matter what you do.

But by choosing the intelligence side and ignoring the emotional side, I can tell you that all you are doing is just suppressing your side which need to be expressed and one day it will explode in an unintentional way which will not be healthy neither for you nor for people around you.


21 APR AT 20:21

My mom after beating me so I agree with her .


21 APR AT 17:49

You saw her in saree and she is looking impossibly beautiful!


19 APR AT 12:32

Let me get sick very very sick so that nothing in me is left to be more sick

I hope then and only then
healing can take place.


16 APR AT 20:05

I don't want this maturity
I want my childhood!!


14 APR AT 22:39

धीरे धीरे सारी दुनिया दिल से उतर गई। ।


13 APR AT 21:55

My sins will cost me
My whole life!!

To feel loved
I have to take another birth


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