Prabhu Piyush   (The Irresistable_K№¡Gh†)
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Joined 4 November 2019
6 MAY 2021 AT 7:29

Morning is a wonderful time to set the course of your journey for the entire day. Begin your day with positive vibes..


24 SEP 2020 AT 20:50

The fresh fragrance of the air in the vallies,
The happy faces and the unending journies.

The snow clad mounatins touching the skies ,
The setting sun and the buzzing fireflies.

The curvy rides along the maze like roads,
Unaware of the destination with passion we strode.

Steamy evening teas with a platter of snacks,
Everytime we saw the horizon we were taken aback.

Up above in the sky with passion we paraglided,
Took group photos like forces allied.

Exhausted we felt with each mighty climbs,
Nonetheless memories were made for life times.

Faltered we had all to make this beautiful start,


23 AUG 2020 AT 22:30

Don't shy away to make yourself the first priority. Because at the end of the day it is only your mind, your body and you that exist. Taking minute care of your inner self can go a long way in flourishing and nourishing your body and soul.


5 AUG 2020 AT 21:47

Life is not a quest for destiny but the sweetness of the journey is what makes the worth. Don't forget to immerse yourselves in the minute happiness this journey has to offer. Remember at the eleventh hour, when the time arrives for ultimate slumber you are definitely going to search for the purpose of your arrival..


3 AUG 2020 AT 7:21

A tiny bit of fight up garnished with an essence of love
A handfull of those cute little brawl to the tantrums thrown at each other.
Keeping up those little secrets to the scuffle over those pieces of chocolates.
This rakshabandhan is a pious occasion to commemorate the eternal relation both share.
A very Happy Rakshabandhan to All The Brothers And Sisters Out There.


10 JUL 2020 AT 17:46

A little bit of flexibility, a more bit of understanding and an added flavour of commitment is what makes love more lovely.
Love definitely takes them in a more serene journey who are willing to walk an extra mile for each other...


9 JUL 2020 AT 16:25

Bring me the colours of the sky,
The smell of the soil
Bring me the showers of the first monsoon
And the warmth of the spring
Bring me the shining stars of the night
And the blazing sun of the day
Bring me the chirping of the birds in the morning
And the homecoming of the flock in the
Bring me the fresh aura of the first snowfall
And the gushing of carefree winds in the
Bring me the courage and strength to scavenge all the positivity from the life
And distance away all the shortcomings and negativity..


5 JUL 2020 AT 22:51

You bestow upon us all the enchanting emotions of love and affection,
Your guiding light has always played a vital part in driving out the darkness and tension,
I am thankful enough to you for blessing us with your ocean of wisdom,
Just like the moon you have always radiated positive charisma and undying passion..


5 JUL 2020 AT 22:33

If tommorrow starts without the pain and sorrow engulfing the mankind to the brim,
I will thank the almighty for his pious blessing
No matter how turbulent the way ahead and how difficult the going gets
I will sail across with his blessings.


5 JUL 2020 AT 6:31

All it takes is; pure dedication and sheer motivation to metamorphose a beautiful morning into a fulfilling day..


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