Penandchampagne   (©Penandchampagne)
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Joined 28 May 2021
16 APR AT 13:48

किस्से कहानियों में खत्म होनेवाला इश्क नहीं है हमारा
ये तो जन्मों जन्म तक काले वाली कथा है ।


16 MAR AT 13:50

तुम वो पहेला इश्क़ हो

जो आख़िरी बार हुआ ही हमें ।🫶🏻♥️


14 MAR AT 16:32

The job of a writer is to
make words dance upon
the page, to weave thoughts
and emotions into the tapestry
of human experience, and to ignite
the imagination with the flicker
of each sentence.


17 FEB AT 14:28

Once you do, it can not be undone.


14 FEB AT 21:30

की तुम मेरे क्या हो ,
मेरे वजूद की इकलौती वजह हो तुम ,
मेरी आँखो में बसा वो सपना हो तुम ,
मेरे दिल की हर धड़कन हो तुम ,
मेरी सुबह की सबसे पहेली किरण हो तुम ,
मेरे हर सवालो का जवाब हो तुम ,
मेरे जिस्म की जान हो तुम …..


13 FEB AT 9:18

In the language of touch, a tale unfolds,
A story of love that forever holds.
So let the forehead be the parchment divine,
Where a kiss composes a poem, yours and mine.❤️


13 FEB AT 8:53

A compass - that says In this vast universe,
my love finds its true north in your heart.
A sweet punctuation - that says In this
chaotic world, here's a peaceful pause of love.
A whispered prayers - affirming a connection
that goes beyond the physical realm .
Last but not least....
Silent emotion - an affirmation of love,
protection and a promise to
be there through it all .


12 FEB AT 19:54

Today's every smallest act
that is taken towards the
betterment of humankind
will be counted under the
history, weather tomorrow
anyone ne search for it or not.


12 FEB AT 14:07

चंद दिनों की मोहब्बत को जताने लो फिर ये फरवरी आ गई ।


12 FEB AT 13:47

In the embrace of arms that know you,
Words may falter ,
But the language of warmth and
understanding speaks volumes.


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