nipun dixit   (ND)
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Joined 19 September 2021

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Joined 19 September 2021
19 APR AT 16:46


Sdrödinger placed his favourite pet,
in harm's way without any regret.
"My cat is both alive and dead.
"Nonsense! Peek!" is what Bohr said,
"What you see is what you get!
"The solution to my wave equation is:
my cat both dead and yet not."
Bohr speaks up and says Perhaps.
But peek in the measure
as your cat will collapse.
To one or the other
is what we need to sort."
"Open the box to see dear
If she is alive or not.
Sdrödinger calmly said,
No mate its the box which tells us
The two worlds and nature if she
survived or if she is dead.

It still remains a mystery with that cat,
Two worlds existing at the same time
Where one is alive and other is dead.


30 MAR AT 18:21

To the last of my letters
I hope you reached there fine
You were written in love
Now you're old sweet wine
Better than before
the more time that pass
Oh the letter of last
You were written for the future
But I left you in my past..


14 MAR AT 11:44

I will hold the ache until I live
I have a wish to die painfully slow.....

(Poem in the caption)


23 FEB AT 12:13

She's a pain I want to feel from close...
She's a pain I might overdose.....

(Poem in caption)


6 FEB AT 11:57


31 JAN AT 12:45

A Lilly not to hold
A Lilly not to touch
Meant to dance in winds
Delicate oh so much....

To touch is to steal her
Every petal they took
Every petal to peel her....

Left oh to die,
The little Lilly yet to cry,
To touch it without shame,
To be a hand full of dirt,
Oh Lilly by the garden
I know you have been hurt....


2 JAN AT 19:00

There's a girl in the lobby
She's fine like a piano
Elegant to the eyes
Wish to play some tunes that I know
But I don't know how
To make her speak
In tunes and songs
To be up in her peaks
Others may try
Touch her keys and sounds
Making just noise
O just to be music on her ground....


19 DEC 2023 AT 22:35

शीशा ये हकीकत सा,
तो मेरे बिखरे टुकड़े ना दिखाए क्यूं,
नम आंखे तो दिखाए जनाब,
पर उनकी वजह ना दिखाए क्यूं ...

शीशा मेरा हकीकत सा,
खुदको खुद से छुपाए क्यूं ....


11 SEP 2023 AT 0:27



21 AUG 2023 AT 0:28

Cluster of stars,
Or just your eyes in dark
Brown shade of sadness,
Red bright sparks,
Why do we hope again,
Why to see without eyes
Just to live what we won't ,
To find sunset starry skies
To pick a pen to hear,
On strings of paper
Telling winds to go,
Away just to bring her...


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