Nipun Ankita Β  (Anks)
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Joined 4 February 2020

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Joined 4 February 2020
11 SEP 2021 AT 0:06

In a world full of complex sentences, one simple word tied her heartstrings..


30 JUL 2021 AT 16:17

Dear Life,
Do we really lose hope or do we have hope in the hopelessness of it?


27 JUL 2021 AT 22:06

Taking a risk won't make you any more of a human and not taking a risk won't make you any less. You will be the same person, just with a different choice.


4 JUL 2021 AT 17:29

"Why do you love thunderstorms?"

"Because it drowns out the echoes in my mind."


28 JUN 2021 AT 22:15

Our salvation lies in the way we punctuate the facts around us..


1 DEC 2020 AT 12:38

The essence of living doesn't lie
in the sighs of your strength
but it thrives in breathing through the vulnerability of it.


15 SEP 2020 AT 12:00

Don't argue with someone who always wants to be right.
Rather argue with someone who is wrong but is honest all the time.


9 AUG 2020 AT 14:41

It's not what the doer does,
It's what the taker takes.


24 JUN 2020 AT 20:40

Wind sways the trees
and the leaves dance
in harmony.


15 JUN 2020 AT 21:17

There would be no contentment in seeing rainbows if there were no storms


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