Michael Chukwuemeka Okonkwo   (Zylad)
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Joined 13 December 2020

Joined 13 December 2020

And a dozen declarations well up from within me
My intentions for this count I declare over.

The 5th of 12
The count that bears Faith and work
May our Lives prosper!
May that of our neighbor prosper as well!
May ! There's just plenty to declare over and keep faith at while declaring.

Hey Pray, keep faith and Merry May!

Happy New Month

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka.
21:01:00 01/05/2024


I'd but wonder what tales it'd script
I'd be surprised as to what it'd imagine
If it did speak I wouldn't recognize myself probably
If it did speak, a sense of me will be felt by many
Untold tales, unspoken words, untapped thoughts 🤔
Would my shadow want to give all of this up?
If my Shadow did speak 🙊.

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka
20:01:00 27/04/2024


And for the first time it did sound "Hey Pray" to my hearing
The fourth of twelve
The start of the second Quarter.

I am expectant, enthusiastic and all the same optimistic as to what it does hold
It's a new count, and as such we have different expectations of it
Well, this is me reminding you that it'd be fine at the end of the day, cos like I said "Hey Pray" 🙏.

May the blessings of the Month remain with us
Merry April 💐
Merry New Month
Pray this April my dear friends.

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka
7:48:00 01/04/2024


As we commemorate the feast of Paschal
We are reminded how much victory we have over death's touch
For the lamb who was slain overcame it.

The festival of Paschal, a test of faith
We recall the sufferings, the pain and agony of our Model (Christ)
Yet amidst it all he embraced it in good faith.

We are reminded not to flee at sight of temptations
Not to lose faith at tough times
We are reminded to not doubt
To not fiddle but remain calm as our model did stay calm amidst the chaos and doubts.

Merry Easter 🐇

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka
8:07:00 31/03/2024


The third of a Dozen
The last of a Quarter
How much time consumed it calls to mind
To the plenty of seconds pondered over
To the many events we rejoiced or regretted this past counts.

The third calls us to rebuild, readjust, rewind
As calm and chaotic our minds might be about this count
It brings promises of reassurance
Tells us how much time we've untapped this while.

It's indeed the third of a Dozen
The last of its quarter
We give Thanks to have made it to this count
May the plenty of favors this count bring reach us
May it's Joy and calm refine us
Let's March Triumphant!

Merry March
Merry New Month.

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka
7:05:10 01/03/2024


I was alone
Yet in my loneliness calm and Peace sought me
The quiet, oh it filled my Whole.

I was alone
Yet I wasn't all to myself
For my imagination built a community around me.

I was alone
And you happened to find your way into my thoughts
I was never alone.


To the many surprises you hold, we anticipate
Your entrance calls to mind how much power lies in LOVE
To the plenty of festivity that'd be called up as we count, we anticipate.

January, it did count swiftly
And for its many testimonies and many troubles we're thankful to the Creator for all of the experiences.

With Love, I welcome us all to the second of the first Quarter
Happy 2/12
Merry February.

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka
18:15:00 PM


Paid Content


Your fragrance I have perceived for a long time,
Dear 2024,
Whose feast and Merry we share,
Whose Joy and laughter fills the Street.

Oh how delightful my soul and those of my brothers are this day,
For we sought you out long before your arrival
I and many brethren looked forward to your embrace.

My dear one, I am at my full learning we did survive the tides of 2023 together,
I am at Peace knowing we shared moments and experiences together,
And now we've graced a new start, a whole new sojourn,
I am of Joy knowing it'd be worth it.

Dear 2024!
Stay kind to the dealings of our souls 🙏
Let your warmth keep us prepared for the events in it,
A new count, how amazing it's 366 we'd count this time,
Welcome to the First Quarter of 2024
Welcome to the First Day of 2024 my dear one.

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka
11:21:00 01/01/2024


25 DEC 2023 AT 16:52

I come bearing gifts of Yuletide,
Love, Prayers, and Merry,
For the reason of he whose star ✨ had shone ages ago
Whose feast we have come to commemorate.

A reminder of how much our Savior's compassion meant to have accepted to come live amongst us,
We share of this feast with Love, Peace and Joy
I implore the heavens to graciously grant and bless our hearts and souls as we celebrate
To increase our Love for our fellow, for we all bear Christ who has come and who now dwells amongst us.

Merry Christmas ⛄
I come bearing Gifts
Merry Greetings of the Yuletide Dear.

Okonkwo Michael Chukwuemeka
12:20:00 25/12/2023


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