Maruti Harakantra  
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Stoic in order to be Epicurean
Joined 17 December 2017

Stoic in order to be Epicurean
Joined 17 December 2017
4 MAY AT 15:31

Need for transcendence
Peculiar to human beings
Seems to emanate from rationality
As there is a need to escape instincts and emotions
There is also a need to escape rationality and transcendence
Spirituality seems to be perfect solution to achieve either goals
It's a freedom from exercising one's own freedom
Man deliberately throws himself in childhood like given world
Where he gets ready-made answers
And also a pinch of moral superiority for following readymade transcendental path
It doesn't completely reveal itself to the follower
That way there is always something to be attained
Transference authority I,e Guru that he follows
more often
Is himself a confused being


4 MAY AT 14:03

What's freedom
If not the ability to choose
One's own nature


3 MAY AT 14:34

ki duniya ko dikhana jaroori nahi hai


3 MAY AT 14:18

The major difference between human and other animals being rationality
And human beings can display varieties of emotions compared to other animals
It follows that
Some human emotions emanate from rationality


3 MAY AT 14:13

Meaning of life has a meaning
Due to inherent lack of meaning
If it were a given thing
Meaning would be more of a generic thing
Not something to be created creatively
Not something to reflect about
It would be something similar to other physiological attributes common to homosapiens


1 MAY AT 15:44

Kyunki Capitalism ne majdoori ko majboori bana diya


1 MAY AT 15:40

What one postpones is not a life or lifestyle
It's mostly a way of being
Which is accessible at any point in time


26 APR AT 16:27

One who has deterministic forces(I,e virtues) within him
Won't be determined by any external forces


26 APR AT 15:19

Why philosophize?
Before one answer that question
One needs to answer
Why do anything in the first place
I guess both have the same answer or no answer


26 APR AT 13:51

Is a choice
When you consider freedom as a starting point
Not an incidental end point
As a way of being
Not fettered by nonessentials


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