Mansi Bhalerao   (Mansi Bhalerao)
25 Followers · 21 Following

Joined 25 December 2019

Joined 25 December 2019

His forever was time bound,
I swore by my loyalty…


18 APR AT 22:29

The compassion and the support you provide,
That’s all you need for yourself too.

Nurture your soul,
as you touch people’s life…


25 MAR AT 19:25

It’s not always the person,
Neither is the situation you’ll go through…
It’s about the time,
Today when you look upon someone you might think how happening their life is,
Maybe having the right resources,
Maybe having the right support,
Maybe having the right person,
All at the right time.
With you it’s not a tragedy,
With you it’s the time, the need and the desire through which things fall or not fall in place…
For everything that happens has a reason,
N that’s what life teaches you,
To sail through your storms and not judge someone’s boat sailing calmly…


29 FEB AT 23:15

Keeping in touch with people is more of an effort,
You could be a lot affectionate to someone but do not enquire about them frequently,
The bonds that get hidden below the tag of we don’t need constant communication to be connected might be true,
But the one’s texting you right after a busy day to just ask if you’re doing okay is beyond everything…
You might not be the person for someone, but we all do have some common friends or relatives who is that person for us…
No it doesn’t only require love, keeping in touch requires efforts…
For people who prefer being alone and peaceful too that one text or call work wonders on good and bad days…
Value the constants, you have only a handful of them and for a very fractional time of your life…


23 FEB AT 20:43

Letter to my 19 years old self…

(Letter in caption)


23 FEB AT 16:09

Hold on to people in their tough times,
But realise when it’s needed and when you’re being consumed…
Nurture their soul,
But not at the cost of yours…
Stay calm when situation go wrong,
But understand when you’re being taken for granted…
Back them up when they need your support,
But buckle up when you don’t find them in your tough times…
You can provide everything to everyone and still not be perfect enough for them to hold on to you…
Their destiny, their struggle, their tough times shouldn’t always be their reasons to escape being inhuman…
Remember you too deserve the world you try giving someone…


22 FEB AT 22:52

It would never be worth it,
Until all your desires, all your faith and all your efforts stand the test of time…


8 FEB AT 17:21


(Read Caption)


6 FEB AT 22:19

Your world shattered in the wink of an eye,
Belief, faith, ethics everything was questioned…
Your belief changed the game,
You escaped what you thought was the dead end…
You woke up to a new hope,
Fixed your shattered pieces and stood strong…
Some days don’t examine your rightness or your fault,
They examine your strength and your faith in yourself…
Maybe you weren’t right, maybe you weren’t wrong,
Maybe you just were yourself and that
sailed you through the toughest situation…


2 FEB AT 22:24

Knowing the beauty of unloving the person they have become while madly being in love with who they were…


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