_majestic plethora_   (Disha)
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Joined 19 March 2021

Joined 19 March 2021
23 APR 2022 AT 21:14

it's not possible for me
to end this without making it
appalling and it won't be justice
to my pen, if I said optimistically everything.

There haven't been days when I haven't thought of handing over this hazardous path.
There haven't been people who have left without asking if I'm taking this by my interest.
There haven't been days when I haven't reached that edge of "no more I can".
And there has never existed a day when I understood why the world's most precious thing isn't just one-touch away from you.

/captioned the rest/
:just a short piece:


2 MAR 2022 AT 22:00

Farewell for the time being.
Will see y'all soon.
Love to all✨🥰🧡💛🥰✨


1 MAR 2022 AT 23:01

I can give a million reasons to refuse
Perhaps, I cannot think of one reason to not confuse.


28 FEB 2022 AT 21:59

Slipped away as the words slip the tongue
Shortened the already short period as a pencil sharped
Leaves yet again like a season that doesn't tell nor ask.


28 FEB 2022 AT 21:55

Gifted me maturity with its arrival, I bide adieu to the younger girl along with the month which brings growth to her.


27 FEB 2022 AT 21:58

So much depends on that one time
Without it, we wouldn't have been here hand in hand.— % &

So much depends on that one hello
It begins our endless conversation in every way.— % &

So much depends on that single picture
It defines the entire journey. — % &

So much depends on that single apology
Their bond is hanging on that. — % &

So much depends on this moment
If not said now then the next moment won't be made.— % &


26 FEB 2022 AT 22:08

So much depends on that red note
will not be scolded if not and
will be if there.

So much depends on that single letter
Will know whether they'll come or will not.

So much depends on that glass of water
Will stop burping if there and if not then continue to burp.

So much depends on that keyboard
I will be able to type my feelings if there and if not how to type.

So much depends on clear thoughts
If sophisticated then everything's a mess and if not then it's all good.


26 FEB 2022 AT 21:57

Eyes meet eyes
Ears for voices
It's just not you and me
Perhaps our senses met.


26 FEB 2022 AT 21:54

People look for people
There we are
Finding each other.
You and I
Or someone ours.


25 FEB 2022 AT 21:51

are mine
And I yours.
We are meant to be
As not said by me
Said by those stars, said by the cosmos, says
our astrology.Here together, hereafter and forever.
We understand yet we don't. You are mine and I yours
We belong together and that's
what said
our creators
and you.


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