Lone Wolf   (Nero)
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Most important things in life to me are things i know i can't buy
Joined 19 October 2018

Most important things in life to me are things i know i can't buy
Joined 19 October 2018
19 DEC 2021 AT 19:52

One that's older but childish
Finding some sort of relief
Surprised me with the lesson she's teaching
To be joyful in moments of grief.


12 DEC 2021 AT 12:09

I don't believe much in talking, taking actions are better

Can't let out what I'm holding in, my reality would shatter

I'm here all alone , when I need them the most

Everyone will care when it won't even matter


9 DEC 2019 AT 18:19

Now Nothing is like what it used to be
Even happiness is in fear, getting close to me
I've lost many things in past that meant most to me
A Happy Me, is nothing but ghost to me ...


23 JAN 2019 AT 17:01

CRIMINALS are only when they get caught

Till then we all are INNOCENTS


5 JAN 2019 AT 16:03

I had really lost you once
I would have lost you if I had really got you once
I would have got you if you had really wanted me once
You would have wanted me if u really looked my heart once


31 DEC 2018 AT 23:09

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. 


16 DEC 2018 AT 12:15

The sun has risen and it's your turn now


19 OCT 2018 AT 21:33

If my love❤were an ocean,
there would be no more land.....
If my love❤ were a desert,
you would see only sand.....
If my love❤ were a star-
late at night, only light.....
And if my love❤ could grow wings,
I'd be soaring in flight.


Seems Lone Wolf has not written any more Quotes.

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