Livin puthur   (പുസ്‌തകത്തെ സ്നേഹിച്ചവൻ)
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Joined 1 May 2018

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Joined 1 May 2018
27 APR AT 19:57

let's yes love each other and enjoy each others presence


27 APR AT 8:14

by reading a book write a quote and just watch a movie the whole day


8 APR AT 21:03

family our beautiful Happy place we love to be always


4 APR AT 21:06

chai not a drink not a cup but an emotion a feeling that only we who drink and enjoy and make stories with it know it.


3 APR AT 22:20

friendship a beautiful one if friends are Good and awesome but if they are toxic people then friendship is hell so choose wisely dear friends.


1 APR AT 22:00

just you and me in our beautiful time enjoying each others presence.


31 MAR AT 22:46

sometimes we just need to smile just to make us know that we can be happy again after a storm


29 MAR AT 13:27

that we both will be together always


29 MAR AT 11:23

good morning folk's it's Friday but a different one any way it's still has the happiness of a normal Friday anyway so enjoy it and be Happy


28 MAR AT 21:03

nights the beautiful nights star's shining moon glowing and we both watching and sharing our love together.


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