꒒ꋬꉔꄲꋊ꒐ꉔ ꅐꋪ꒐꓄ꏂꇙ   (Purab)
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Take a break and let your mind breathe!
Joined 18 July 2019

Take a break and let your mind breathe!
Joined 18 July 2019

I was told to grow up and eventually I lost my inner child.
If you give me my part I might get a little warm.


I can't see children crying. I don't know why; maybe I feel and connect with their inocence being hurt!


People don't lack Introspection,they do. What they lack is, accepting their inner voice and the will to evolve!


Some write-ups or songs comfort your heart and some make you feel invincible.


Stay away from those people who try to kill the artist in you.

- Unknown


I always fail trying to feel excited about life.
Most of us are just existing and not living.




I killed a rodent, for, I could sleep in peace.
Irony is,I can't sleep now!


At first, your promises seemed like some hard rock
I believed, no matter what, it's going to last longer
but, a little pressure and it turned out to be
as brittle as those crustal rocks.


I wish these memories of mine were volatile like alcohol!


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