Kiran   (ONE)
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Joined 17 July 2018

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Joined 17 July 2018
18 OCT 2021 AT 23:29

Today, it' not like most of the days. It's raining heavily today. So, today, I see you on the walls and roof of my room, in every shape, glittering your flaws away, reminding me the lullaby, I didn't grew listening to. I sticked you on this wall few months back, but you know how long we are tied, right. Perhaps, it is since the day, you were introduced to me as chandamama. You know since then, till now- everything has changed including me(please never try convincing me that it is for best, I am tired), except you and the stars. Keep hanging there. I miss you...
♥️From my doll.


18 OCT 2021 AT 23:14

He asked- why love?
I replied-
Hating you sucks...


16 AUG 2021 AT 0:19

With every scar, she remembers her grandma's preach-
"Education majors outlook, womanhood majors resilience".
She gets the irony now.
And this is how generations silently pay-
the cost of you so called pride, your values.

//Read the caption.


3 AUG 2021 AT 0:31

If the moon vanishes,
don't panic. It's just the clouds.
It will be right back...


2 AUG 2021 AT 23:39

Write me a letter...


23 JUL 2021 AT 3:25

घर के कोने में बेठे,आज फिर वह ख्वाब दोहराना है,
ख़यालों की कश्ती लिए, फिर किसी और बढ़ जाना है|
मेज़ पर रखी किताबों में, इस आवारगी को बसाना है,
शब्दों के लाठी पकड़े, हर मंज़र पार कर जाना है |
इन पहाड़ों, नदियाँ, समुंदर में कहीं मेरा आशियाना है,
बस कुछ पन्नो की दूरी है, फिर घर पहुंच ही जाना है |
एक बैचेनी है हर लम्हे में, जिसका ना कोइ दवा है ;
क्यों है यह खानाबदोशी, जब कि एक दिन तुझमे ही मिल जाना हैं|
जिंदगी नामक सफरनामा में, मैंने एक सच जाना हैं -
में "तुम" हूँ हर जर्रे में, यह दुनिया मेरा ठिकाना है |
रूठ ना जाना अगर में कल ना मिलूँ, क्यूंकि ए दोस्त -
खानाबदोश हूँ, मुझे अम्बर पर दौड़ लगाना है |


6 JUL 2021 AT 23:01

Gaal mein gobar laga he.



6 JUL 2021 AT 22:56

Panchatantra. I remember, I was in 3rd grade and was not issued a library card yet as we were issued that after 4th grade but still our school libranian would lent me that book and few books there after. He was a good person and one of the main protagonist behind my journey with books. Thank you, Sir...


6 JUL 2021 AT 22:38

Crawling alone, walking along, leaving in silence...


25 JUN 2021 AT 23:15


I was tired. Nothing more...


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