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Joined 7 January 2021

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Joined 7 January 2021
26 MAY 2023 AT 18:25

I know you get all the attention and all the likes on your Facebook page,
I know you've got niggas who promise you everything if they could sit in my place,
But amma put it to you that unless Antarctica has the climate of Nigeria,
Amma be loving you like it's impossible baby...
My soul smiles through my heart and
My heart smiles through my eyes
Towards your love baby,
Our love is indeed us growing together,
For I am your ocean which you have desired to drown in...
Enough of the doubts if you deserve me or not
Cuz you're so spotless and immaculate,
A safe haven for my heart.
Gat damm, your ex did you bad
Never had no success in the past,
Just niggas who stressin' you bad
But amma be the best that you have,
Amma sex you then bless you and get you a bag
Whatever you like you'll eventually have
Cuz since I found you I've been feeling like if I lose you I'd be lost.


26 MAY 2023 AT 18:10


You're the one I'm willing to rewrite the stars for,
Someone I never knew how I started loving,
My own love song inna song
Crazy how I'm falling in love once again
And getting attached to someone I never saw,
Especially at a time I have concluded
To be just done with relationships
You came into my world and it ain't same anymore
And with this baby,
I want to be your strength
And your weakness,
I love you with all your flaws and imperfections
Cuz they make you who you are,
I wanna caress you slowly and put all my emotions into it when I kiss you,
Cuz at this point actions does more than words,
And I am forever ready to defend us anyday and anytime baby.


30 MAR 2021 AT 18:28

Grrr, Grrrr, Grrr, Grrr
Rang the morning bell
It was just like one of those days
Where I had to cut short my sleep
Nothing pissed me off like bleating goats and barking dogs
Dealing with it each day, gave me cause to worry
It was a chilly cozy Thursday after all
My eye bags were heavy,the late nights were memorable
Having a night bitch close to me, satisfied my sensuality
Now, I had to fix myself up again
Getting ready for a goddamm class just didn't sound well
I never really hated school not until I met him.
He had a stout figure, so dark and hairy
Not a day went by, without his glasses on
That was a mystery, left to be understood trust me
Having a white hairy beard, made him look odd
He wore caps each day, to cover his nudity
He loved everything in skirts
You are free to give him a general name
I call him the grass cutter
I could count the dizzy classmates around me
We all needed something new and different
It was a day we all hated
A very busy dreadful day at school.


13 FEB 2021 AT 10:37


So, after all said and done
Unfazed by the storms, we gotta move along
Times of tribulation, never hurt a soul
Steady standing strong, like we gat a clone
Such a glorious sight, when I see red stars mingling with the blue skies
When we build a force greater than our own fears
I could give u a glass, do u mind take a seat??
Bring the glory home and we gonna have a feast
Mama told me,
Don't let ur flames melt
The game would teach u a lot, but u gotta play to learn
So why u slouching, go get that mantle
Tomorrow so close, let's build a pinnacle
Cuz after all the dark nights there's gonna be a surf
Ain't no snakes in the squad, no one to make it tough
No trace of cactus, no foes to blame
Tomorrow ain't far, let's go make a name.


13 FEB 2021 AT 10:27


So let me break it down, give u a translation
It's right about time where we script a new creation
Where we gonna live free without no domination
Tomorrow at our fingertips, we gonna set the motion
Eleven soldiers on the turf, united in blood and muscle
Fighting just like monsters, cuz that's what they made us
So no matter what it takes, we gan' never fumble
Tomorrow ain't really far, let's bring the glory home
Oh how I love the brisky waves and the gaily gardens
Dinner set, table for six with the knights and maidens
Then take a ride to the hills and the cozy places
Memories so sweet and blime, tomorrow's gan be evergreen.
So we move down the aisle, and make a new haven
Cuz it's us against the world, and we gonna triumph
Different shades of glory, let's all uproot the slums
Cuz no matter what it takes, tomorrow's gan be evergreen.


13 FEB 2021 AT 10:20


You just worth the hype
Came into my life, now I cannot swipe
Let me break it down, baby u rock my world
Mama always said, pick the one u adore
You pretty, you're a diamond, they cannot contest
All these new ladies, they're ur proteges
Want u for life and the world after next
This be love, I cannot deny


13 FEB 2021 AT 7:08


It was loud out there.
So dark and blurry.
My blanket was an odd illusion after all.
Its heavy texture became a wrong irony to my emotions.
Now I had a stern brother close to me.
Now I had to prepare for an event.
Lest I forget, my night was a thing to remember.
Fucking the night pussies and keeping late nights gave me pleasure.
Now my eye bags were heavy and I hadn't even left my bed.
Moving out there, I see an array of gleaming lights.
People dressed in sparkling attires, made me feel indifferent.
Yeah, I was one of them but yet left to soak in solitude.
It was a dinner night but yet a mirage in my mind.
All my thoughts spoke one single thing after all.
Just when I wanted to mingle and leave my closet,
I was touched by a sinister,
And then I realized it was an odd dream in my bed after all.


7 JAN 2021 AT 11:40


After we pick a date
After we put the golden rings and we cut the cake
Magic goodbye hymns when we share the grace
Then it's straight to my crib, for a dinner feast
First five years, we gonna have 3 kids
Give you sweet love down to your bloodstreams
This no fairytale, this is us forever
United we bond, even in harsh weather.


7 JAN 2021 AT 3:39


I'm seen everywhere.
Yet I have little value.
Yes I'm loved by touts and thugs.
Because I am a veritable tool to the source of their pleasure.
I come in varying ways.
Even in minute substances and bottle.
Little kids despise me.
Yeah, you can say the pain is intriguing.
I can't even measure the havoc I cause each day.
So ironical it is when i make people lose their belongings.
And lest I forget, I always have that Mother nature luck.
Created naturally with little value.
But yet having multiple personalities.
Yes, I love my distinct color.
Well, I guess I'm not loved by all.
You can say am different.
Cuz I am the flaming fiery fire.


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