K R   (K.R.)
88 Followers · 22 Following

Pen is mighter than the sword
Joined 14 September 2017

Pen is mighter than the sword
Joined 14 September 2017
15 APR AT 13:45

Marriage is a game of fleeting egos,
while rolling the dice of companionship.
You enjoy the sweet togetherness,
also go through some bitter silences,
fights and sobs.

At the end, the heart knows,
that warm hug, that gentle cuddle and
that solid hold of hands,
these are the game changers.
Sometimes these are the only things,
making you the best players of the game.


12 APR AT 20:44

Are the simple things,
that are underrated.

The music that is unheard.
The scent of the beloved one.
The taste of the morning dew.
The feeling of ultimate bliss.

All the little joys of life,
make the most from them.


27 MAR AT 19:12

I find a new story.
Some untold, some retold.
Some verses are worth Gold.

Be it fiction or history,
There is always a love chemistry.
Be it science or fantasy,
There is always some ecsatacy.
Be it biography or romance,
There is someone who takes a stance.
Be it thriller or comedy,
Expect nuances of parody.

All secret lies in story telling,
Some are exceptionaly rapturing,
Some are silently boring.
Meant for reading and narrating.
Love for books is exhilarating!


27 MAR AT 13:04

Somewhere in the smell of the pages
of a new book, I remember you.
You are the companion that
everybody seek, but nobody gets.
The drops of the first rain
on a barren land, it feels the same
when I see you.
My heart pumps blood a
thousand times faster,
I just want to ask you someday,
do you want to be
my lifelong heartbeat?


20 MAR AT 12:50

A lot easy while we are in our comfort zone.
A lot difficult while we try to step out of it.

The start is always the hardest.
Once you are out there,
the struggle becomes the habit.
You bloom effeciently only
when you are churned well
in the vivid experiences of life.


18 MAR AT 14:15

वो मकान ही क्या,
जिसका छत ना हो!
आशियाना तो पंछियों का भी होता हैं।

कभी धूप की तपन, कभी बारिश की बौछार,
ये डर हर आशियाना बनाने वाले को होता हैं।

पर क्या हो अगर छत भी सलामत रहे,
पर घर जिसके साथ बना रहे हो,
वही घर के भीतर धूप और बारिश का काम करे।

ये तो घोसले में,
सांप पाल रहे हो फिर तुम।


18 MAR AT 14:07

जैसे कोई दाग, धूल नज़रंदाज
होकर रह जाता है, ठीक उसी तरह
तेरी गलतिया, तेरी गुस्ताख़ी,
सब नज़रंदाज हो रही हैं,
मेरे मन के एक कोने में।

आशा है, ये सिर्फ एक कोने तक रहे,
घर में फैलने ना देना इसे।


18 MAR AT 14:01

a little bit effort
in kindness, benevolence,
generosity and selflessness.


14 MAR AT 15:19

The night sky is dark,
And so is the darkness of my room.
I lay in bed, another day ended.

But my thoughts just getting started...
My mind wanders while my eyes are open.
Though I cannot see anything,
Still I can see everything....

What has happened...
What is going to happen....
What happens....happens...

My Goals, my Life, me
and my choices.
The thoughts are endless....
The night is fresh
and my thoughts are keeping me
awake.....until I close my eyes.....


14 MAR AT 11:09

I sit back and contemplate.
Sometimes its needed to slow down.
Its needed to have that thinking space.
Its important to reflect and just breathe in
And Breathe out......


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