Jyotsana Anand  
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Grow rich by progressive thought, action and not by chimeras,fancy and imagination.
Joined 8 April 2019

Grow rich by progressive thought, action and not by chimeras,fancy and imagination.
Joined 8 April 2019
1 MAY AT 15:29

Don't leave the one, who you love. Leave the one, who you use and you shall, start loving and valuing the one, who you love, the one who loves you and also the one, who is right for you.


1 MAY AT 15:23

When closeness doesn't give peace and happiness, distance does.


28 APR AT 15:12

When there are too many Sundays, in others love, let there be only Monday, in your love.


28 APR AT 12:16

The initial morning of love, is beautiful, enthusiastic, peaceful and romantic, but night is always painful, bitter, terrible and sleepless.


26 APR AT 8:13

When you can't love, value and return love, to whose who loves, value and makes effort for you, rather than only doing and being available, for people, who you love.


26 APR AT 8:01

Loosing love, is as difficult as, gaining in every breath.


21 APR AT 18:14

When you can't wait,
The other, shall always be late.
Unnecessary drama and tantrums,
surges anger and hate.
Nothing feels right, when all efforts
turn in vain, as it, makes feel cursed fate.


16 APR AT 11:06

The beautiful nature always seeps.
Its purity and peace irresistibly, heap.
Being pantheist, isn't easy to reap,
Being, in communion with nature, for peace, is advisable to keep.


16 APR AT 10:51

Distance in love, isn't easy to bear.
It often brings tear.
Even if, you give everything,
with absolute sheer.
Then also people change, alike
day to day weather and seasons,
that takes place, in the year.


16 APR AT 9:17

Tantrum of one, is always ON.
Never leaves any stone unturned, to continue to dominate and pester, as Don.
One never fails, to Boss.
The other, even after many dry spells, can't unafford to loose.


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