Jeny Sabu   (Jeny sabu)
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Joined 3 June 2020

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Joined 3 June 2020
1 MAY AT 0:22

Protect your heart by not expecting too much from people you like. If you don't get what you want, step back to see things clearly and be practical. Save yourself from the hurt of unmet expectations. Remember, there is someone special meant just for you.


5 JAN AT 21:05

If people see you as a threat, they probably won't let you succeed or be on par with them. Instead, they might keep making things harder for you and messing with your confidence.


8 JUN 2023 AT 23:26

"The profound anguish in life stems from the regret of feeling unloved, unappreciated, ignored, rejected, and insignificant."


24 MAY 2023 AT 21:25

The only heartbeat I want to listen to.

The only chest I feel like resting on.

The only voice I love to listen to.

The only sweat I want to smell.

The only shoulders I want to rest my head on.

The only hand I want to hold.

The only lips I want to kiss.

The only warmth I want to feel.

The only body I want to hug.

The only cheeks i want to bite.

The only soul i want to walk along with.

You are the only one I always felt to rely on in life.


17 MAY 2023 AT 0:32

"Resting your head on a caring chest and shoulder, the most powerful remedy for loneliness. "


6 MAY 2023 AT 13:51

"Don't let your past define you. Don't let your fears block you from making the right choices, which are essential for a healthy life. Remember, life is too short to not enjoy it fully. Trust your instincts and take calculated risks, for you have the potential to achieve great things. So go out there and make it happen!"


25 NOV 2022 AT 21:33

The state of being lonely or being rejected doesn't come when everybody ignores you. Loneliness or rejection is a feeling that develops deep inside you when you believe and accept that you are ignored or rejected by others. 


12 OCT 2022 AT 21:20

Be sincere and ethical in whatever job or task you do, even if it is just a rag-picking job. Every job you do in society should be beneficial to someone and not cause harm.


7 OCT 2022 AT 21:09

Be thankful to all the kindergarten teachers because of whom we don't have to take a career break. Be thankful to all the kindergarten teachers because of whom our kids grow healthy even in our absence. Be thankful to all the kindergarten teachers who have sleepless nights preparing lesson plans just to make the future of our children bright. Be thankful to all the kindergarten teachers who enthusiastically shop exclusively for our kids to prepare props to entertain our kids and reward them with stars and stickers. Be thankful to all the kindergarten teachers because of whom we don't have to worry about the academics of our children and who teach our children to socialize. They are the ones who truly join us in the physical and emotional battles of raising them. More than us, their minds and brains work for our children when they are little and sleep peacefully. So next time you meet a kindergarten teacher, tell them "you are doing an awesome job" because they deserve it. 


5 OCT 2022 AT 15:20

A person with a government job might be regretting not getting a highly paid private job. Whereas a person with a private job might prefer a government job. People living abroad might miss their motherland. Whereas people living in their own country might prefer to fly abroad. A working woman might prefer to stay at home. A homemaker might regret not taking up her career and depending on her partner. A new mom might regret taking a career break. A new mother who didn't have a break might regret not giving full attention to her toddler. Parents of two might regret having them. Whereas a couple with one child might be praying for one more. A couple with one child might regret having a child soon after their marriage. Whereas a couple without children for years together might be praying to get one soon. People without lovers might be regretting their situation. Lovers, on the other hand, may regret taking the wrong decision in life. Life is always greener on the other side. No matter what your situation is, try to be happy with what you have in your life without comparing it to others. In any circumstance or situation, you can lead a meaningful and happy life. — % &— % &


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