Jaa Ni   (Nishrita Gogoi)
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Joined 12 June 2019

Joined 12 June 2019
3 MAY 2022 AT 22:23

My love of the unfathomable heart..
I am like a rough diamond, unworked silk and an empty notebook.
With your love and solicitude,
You can give me any form.
I am ready to become your bliss..your beloved...your significant other.


7 NOV 2021 AT 21:15

I have been walking and walking..
With bare feets,
In search of the right door.
It has been years since it felt like..
I am not in home anymore.


24 SEP 2021 AT 23:09

The crown

Allured with the flowers that Kash plateau wears like trinkets,
I went to pickup some wildflowers.
As i walked down the valley,
I got engrossed with the charm it carry.
Touching the flowers with my bare hand,
I decided to make a crown.
Entwine it with belgaum and pentanema
The fruit was profound.

From far, a little girl smiled at me.
Leaving her fathers hands,
With twinkle in her eyes,
she came running towards me.
Her little hand touched the wreath crown.
When i made her wear it..
She looked like the brave queen who would not quit.


15 JAN 2021 AT 21:01


Less folks to fancy them.
Only the little hearts with trugs I can see.
Yet, Butterflies with graceful wings often visit them,dont they?
They remain stubborn
On the atrocities of the summer
Or the harshness of the winter.
Perservering itself sternly
Thriving in some barren land..
Getting choked in flood.
Sometimes uprooted...
Sometimes thrown near the garbage or the Brook...
Merely getting squeezed and contracted
Broken by the wind
But still they grow;
Always standing tall and strong.
Making me yearn to be like one of them.
They may go Unnoticed and untouched...
But they are strongest of all flowers...
The 'Wildflowers'.


11 NOV 2020 AT 10:30

The Golden Grains

Beneath the green hills
I see the sky so blue...
The sun rays falls on the fan palm trees
Giving a shine through.
Far away in the distant,
I can see the yellow land.
Grasshoppers and butterflies fluttering,
Above the golden grains.
But Some unknown storm has destroyed,
The serenity of the yellow land.
The birds chirping and ducks feeding, disappointing the man.
Anxious with his spade he makes out water to flow out from the land.
For all that he know;
Today it may be submerged in water,
But tomorrow when the autumn comes to an end..
Happiness for them lies in the Golden grains.


14 APR 2020 AT 3:29

Though miles apart..
I love to receive the morning greetings
Muddled with roses and pink cherry blossoms.
Our spontaneous digging into every random lesson plans at evening..
And our night time snacks..
You on your coffee...
Me on my Chai..
Ohh..and Our favorite subject...??!..It is our concerns at the time of Corona..
And the frequent exchange of cultures,opinions and idea..
And when this silence is intensified by the lockdown at night...
Knowingly or unknowingly....
He writes about me like he sees me infront of his sight. ❤️

_Urs Jaani


10 NOV 2019 AT 7:31

Today as we stepped out..
Towards our neverending journey...
It was streneous to see through the morning mist.
But the green paddy had another enrapturing view..
And a promise of hope for the few..
Taking note on the water hyacinth as i crossed the Burhi -Dihing river.
I saw two hornbills sitting in the top red skill cotton tree..
I asked my father.." What made the hornbill to come down to the plains..
He replied, "For their imminent joy."
And as I smiled,
Suddenly a black and white feather from somewhere came down and fell on my lap
And the mist on the way slowly began to fade.


3 NOV 2019 AT 10:02

Whenever I see an ambulance..
Withs it sound on..
My heart shrinks a bit..
It reminds me of the unfaithful night..
When you was taken..
But did not return.


28 OCT 2019 AT 17:11

My friend believe in excuses that have sound argument.
Not in fallacy..
Not in double standardity.
And if you face one unfortunately..
Remember to drift apart..
"Double quickly."


23 OCT 2019 AT 21:47

When the darkness falls.
The tranquil mind abruptly gets spiked..
And she sleeps silently..
Under the eiderdown..
With tears in her eyes..
Unable to bear the relentless battle of the heart and the brain..
She holds the pillow...
Against her bosom.
When suddenly the subconscious mind that screams...
"A few stories in life has a lesson and an end forever."
Incapacitates her in the middle of the night.


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