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Joined 25 June 2020
13 APR 2021 AT 21:10

It hurts.
It hurts when you want peace.
But there's only chaos in your mind.
It hurts when the people you trusted most.
Turn their back on you.
And now all you've got are trust issues with you.

It hurts when you try to think of your happy moments.
But you can't remember when was the last time you even smiled.
It hurts when you want to end these miseries.
But after so many attempts you couldn't even succeed.
And now all you've got is the feeling of cowardice,
which is eating you inside out.


21 MAR 2021 AT 20:54

A refugee returned
home with a smile.

No more wars,
no more deaths.


20 MAR 2021 AT 0:30

I saw the sign in those feigned smiles and hollow eyes.
In how pauses turned from longing to abrupt to telling.
In good-byes that surfaced in a
stripped of parting promises, layered with smug content.
In laughter, as measured as the length of your fingernails
half-chewed then, precisely manicured now.
In memories forgotten.
Maybe it took time but
I saw the sign, and it opened my eyes.


19 MAR 2021 AT 11:30

"Why are you so silent nowadays? What have been thinking lately?",

"Nothing much. I was just thinking what if death was painless?"

"Hey. People around you loves you. Your friends, parents everyone. You don't have to be depressed all the time. You should be happy. Ok?"

"Yeah. You're right".


18 MAR 2021 AT 9:32

I couldn't keep a track
of the miles I walked,
tunes I hummed
and eyes I met,
or the times I tripped over and fall.

Moving forward was all I could do.
the roar ahead was lounder
than the one I left behind.


17 MAR 2021 AT 19:11

In his moments of rage,
he creates a monster.

In his moments of rage,
his child learns how to be one.


16 MAR 2021 AT 14:10

It's my first day, and I've seen it all.
Noisy traffic,
Choking air,
Stars lost in the midst of bright lights.

No wonder this city never sleeps.


15 MAR 2021 AT 14:35

For some,
Happiness isn't in big and precious things.

For some,
Happiness is in believing that they're
enough and precious as they are.


14 MAR 2021 AT 20:51

The day I was born
my grandmother
blessed me by saying
"May every person
who's on their deathbed
lend you their final heartbeat.
So you can live longer."
Maybe this was a blessing
Or maybe a curse.
For now I understand
why I'm living with miseries.
For I died long ago.


13 MAR 2021 AT 21:56

Why is it that when I sit quietly and
stare at my phone, it's okay.

But when I sit quietly and look at
the sky.

I'm pointed at and whispered
about by every passersby.


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