hatake subhuu Ā 
15 Followers Ā· 27 Following

Joined 28 April 2020

Joined 28 April 2020
4 OCT 2021 AT 20:06

Ticket to future
It's always in your hand
Use it in at right moment and open the platform
Just hold it to stay only there


4 OCT 2021 AT 20:01

It's a loser's will who expect or foresee results
Without even give its trail


4 OCT 2021 AT 19:55

Every goodbye always hits hard
It's may be a good one or bad one
So make it a worth journey that will not have a goodbye, not until memory stops creating


17 MAY 2021 AT 20:47

They are light to my darkness
They are smile to my sadness
They are stars to my infinity night
They are noise to my silence
They are booster to my 100% quota
They are spiciness to my supper
They are money to my UPI
Who are they?
They are my family not by blood related but life related
They are my friends


6 MAR 2021 AT 9:17

What's hell
When you are going through shits
Can't even tell anyone about it


5 FEB 2021 AT 23:40

I may not be right
But that doesn't mean I am trying something wrong


24 JAN 2021 AT 19:43

Dost nehi duniya he ye
Friends nehi family he ye


6 JAN 2021 AT 23:51

Even if darkness surround everything
One day sun will rise making darkness disappear
Hope for sun in your darkest hour


27 OCT 2020 AT 21:57

It doesn't matter how it all started
Or what happens in middle
But how it all ends


3 OCT 2020 AT 14:40

My life and I,
Always lives by hurting my own surroundings
I am not good to be even exist
That's how it is


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