Harshit Joshi   (Joshi Hj)
13 Followers · 8 Following

Joined 11 November 2019

Joined 11 November 2019
15 APR AT 0:35

alone its clear
no help all life has ended
as i traveled too far forward
stars have swarmed the earth
the thirst for space
has burned our place of worship
in awe i watched our sun go supernova
its insanley gorgeous
rings of light that stings the night
whats all been black has changed to white
must be the end of something precious
as i hang between two times
i wait for my second big time


16 MAR AT 22:49

Mountain Sunset

Azure silhouettes peaked against the horizon
Borne from the sky's last testament
Of rays beaming and accentuating
The suptle curves and vestments
That expressed their innate beauty
In the form of love with contentment
As her eyes soaked in the sight
Azure bled to crimson at the days
Dying light
Yet the fight is far from over
As she battled up the climbs
With wars and steps aplenty
Shared with her heart and mind
It is there
That the endless foothills roll
A memory of togetherness
Unafraid to unfold
In the face of freedom unburdened
Her story is now hers to hold

For she is azure like the sky
And I,
The crimson before the night
Together we paint a mountain sunset
With a love that will never die


21 FEB AT 0:25

Walking to Work

The fog is thick
On this dark and lonely night.
Ahead the sidewalk leads
To a small and distant light.

There I will find
Paper for my pen.
Coffee for my cup.
A new poem to begin.

I pray tonight the words
Will fall from my heart.
And dawn's sunrise
Brings a new start.


15 JAN AT 9:39

सूरज चला मकर की ओर,
गुड़ तिल रेवड़ी का है जोर !!
ढाल तलवार दाणिम का फूल,
घुघते खजूरे सजते चहुँ ओर !!
बड़े घिरौली और नारंगी,
पूरी मूँगफली लेओ बटोर !!
स्नान करो कहो काले कौवा,
बंधी रहे यह प्रीत की डोर !!
ॐ शुभ मकर संक्रांति ॐ


3 JAN AT 0:23

In moonlight's gentle, soft embrace,
I trace the curves upon your face
But deeper still, my heart desires,
To celebrate your curves, my fire..

In every bend and graceful line,
A love, a beauty so divine;
Your silhouette, a work of art,
It captivates my longing heart..

Your curves, a map to passion's peak,
In them, a love story we shall speak;
Each contour, a whispered verse,
of love's sweet spell, it will rehearse...

So let us cherish, and explore the shore,
The curves that we both so adore;
In their embrace, our love unfurls,
As we navigate this world of swirls.!


23 SEP 2023 AT 22:07

i see the universe unfold.
in the depths of your gaze,
a kaleidoscope of colors,
a story yet to be told.

i see the way your eyes light up,
when you talk about your dreams,
the passion that ignites within you,
a fire that forever gleams.

i see the way your eyes crinkle,
when you laugh with pure delight,
the joy that radiates from you,
a beacon in the darkest night.

i see the way your eyes soften,
when you speak of love and kindness,
the empathy and warmth you exude,
a heart that is truly timeless.

and as i look into your eyes,
i am captivated, mesmerized,
for in them, i see the beauty,
of a soul that shines and never dies.


6 SEP 2023 AT 12:08

कान्हा की बाला, देवकी का प्यारा,
मुरली की मधुर ध्वनि, हम सबका प्यारा।

कान्हा की झांकी आई,
नन्द के घर खुशियां लाई।
मिश्री की मिठास सबके लिए लाई
मुरली की ध्वनि ने जगह बसाई।

गोपियाँ सांग रास रचाई,
नंदलाल की खुशियां सबको भाई।

बच्चों ने तोड़ी माखन की मटकी,
कृष्ण जी ने खाया बांसी की बटकी।
खेलते रहे गोपाल कन्हैया,
भगवान कृष्णा की जय जयकारिया।

आओ मिलकर गाएं गोविन्द का गाना,
कृष्ण जन्मोत्सव का मनाएं यह त्योहार सुहाना।

जय श्री कृष्णा


15 AUG 2023 AT 8:48

In a land where history weaves its tale,
A struggle fierce, a spirit set sail.
India's heart, brave and true
Fought for freedom, a dream pursued.

On this day of pride, we stand as one,
Reflecting on battles hard-fought and won.
With Gandhi's wisdom and courage untamed,
A nation's destiny forever reclaimed.

From the salt-soaked shores to the mountains high,
Echoes of freedom's call reached the sky.
Sacrifices made, lives laid on the line,
For a nation's independence,
they did shine.

Unity in diversity, a motto we hold,
Through hardships endured, a story told.
Different languages, cultures entwine,
A tapestry of India, beautifully divine.

From Jallianwala Bagh's tragic stain,
To the long road to freedom, through pain.
Every heart that yearned, every voice that cried,
A symphony of struggle, a nation's pride.

Now the tricolor soars with grace,
In every corner, and in every space.
Independence Day, a day to remember,
A journey of strength, from January to December.


26 JUL 2023 AT 0:22

Separation's Illusion

We are all one, no matter the skin,
No illusion of separation can win,
For we are all children of the same sun,
In the same world, we are all as one.
No matter the color, no matter the creed,
We are all connected, this we must heed,
No matter the language, no matter the land,
We are all part of the same grand plan.


23 JUL 2023 AT 23:57


The world got so dense
The back felt so tense..
He bent even more..
His eyes to the door
He wanted to flee 
To a place he could see
But the world wouldn’t roll
Life has taken its toll
And a stone blocked his way
He couldn’t jump anyway
So he dropped to the floor 
Then shrugged..,
Till his core saw the world rolling down..
Atlas had finally been born!


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