Guerrière Vins   (Guerrière)
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Speaking through verse..
Joined 31 August 2021

Speaking through verse..
Joined 31 August 2021
1 APR AT 18:42

Don’t drop a tear
don’t search for me again,
no I’m not around to hold you tight,
you won’t find me calling out your name..,
no, my voice won’t echo
don’t try to look around,
don’t stop by where I once rested
no I am not on that cozy couch anymore,
don’t drop a tear… instead,
drop a smile as that’s what
I was asking all along…


1 APR AT 18:12

Rest all is a story ..
Read it completely or leave it incomplete,
Read the whole sentence or in between the lines,
It’s going to end the same.


30 MAR AT 13:20

From darkness to dawn,
From the ashes of failure,
Through the valleys of doubt & mountains of fear,
The universe whispers,
"Don’t worry I’m here."
Gazing at the dark sky
Those eyes looked for a guiding hand,
A touch of magical dust to clear doubts & fears..,
Igniting the sky with celestial beams, there it comes,
Shimmering with glittery gold & velvety sliver,
A magic that’s true..,


29 MAR AT 10:11

And even if you grew them green or nap on them, someday you lately realise the green turned brown under the same Sun.
Wake up now 🙏🏻


20 MAR AT 16:16

Beneath the canopy of starry skies,
Raindrops fall pitter patter,
Each sliver droplets a messenger, from heavens above,
Painting the night with a sliver array of strings,
A lullaby that kissed the ground so tenderly
A fragrance born from the earth
Taking a drift of memories,
Sweet & true..


12 MAR AT 18:01

It’s always better,
“To have wrong addictions than,
Fake commitments.”


12 MAR AT 16:51

To wait for the dark..


10 MAR AT 18:48

As the petals whispered a secret
“ He cried for the last glimpse of a hug, to smell the fragrance of love”
As she sprinkled droplets of sweet water, for him to dance with her fragrance..


9 MAR AT 6:40

In the obscurity of affection’s eyes
I, a silhouette, in the dimming display.
Held in the secret alcove of your
Tender glove of heart,
Lost and discovered in the
Enigma of your love…


8 MAR AT 18:01

Like a phoenix, she rises from the ash,
Gifting others with dreams in her quiet clash.
Her desires, like stardust, scatter wide,
Fertilizing dreams on which others ride.

A woman, an alchemist of the heart,
Turns her desires into a radiant art.
In the ashes, a legacy she leaves behind,
A garden of dreams for others to find.


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