Geetanjali Jena  
19 Followers · 7 Following

Just putting my thoughts into words
Joined 13 March 2021

Just putting my thoughts into words
Joined 13 March 2021
23 MAY 2022 AT 19:14

*Second Chance*

Read the caption;


10 APR 2022 AT 12:32

तो सायद उम्मीद थी किसी चीज़ कि....

जब सब कुछ खो दिया,
तो जाना सुरूआत होता है
जब कामियाबी कि सिढीया चढ़ने लगा,
ओर उजाई से जमिन पर आ गीरा
तो जाना कि वक्त भी एक कमाल का चिज़ है
बहुत भटक लिया गुमनामी में अब ओर नहीं,
जाना है कहा अपने सपनों के खातिर
ये जिंदगी बस वो राह दिखादे
जो छुट गया उसका क्या मलाल करें,
वो पुरानी यादों में क्यूं सुबह से शाम करें
मिल जाएगा जीने का कोई नया बाहना,
बस इस उम्मीद के थोड़ा दीप जलादे

ये जिंदगी बस वो राह दिखादे....


1 APR 2022 AT 20:25

It's never too late....

We all have different journeys
Different paths along the way
The power of your thoughts
Can open up new doors
You can control your thoughts,
Your perceptive, your beliefs too
You can change your life
By controlling and asking (to self)
How much time you spend worrying,
How often you think about your past,
How kind you are to others,
How many risks you take,
And most importantly,
How much you appreciate the things you have !?

It's never too late....


8 MAR 2022 AT 22:57

Females and males are one in the world
We need to make equal pay and equal opportunity for them
Educate her and let be free,
Let her grow, let her shine
Give her new hope, give her a new life
The beauty of the women isn't in the clothes that she wears,
Or the figure that she carries
The beauty of the women must be seen through her eyes.
Women and men are like the two sides of a coin
So, instead of celebrating Women's Day
Why can we not have a unity day of both Women and Men !!


8 MAR 2022 AT 22:51

And, She decided to stand again
Everyone see's us by our cover,
Not by our talent
No-one see's us equal
She is a daughter, sister and a mother
Then why always She suffer ?
Everyone thinks that we are weak,
And not equivalent
And again no-one see's us equal.
I disagree,
When she have the capability to manage things comfortably
But, when it comes to take a decision in family
A sound rings hard in her ears
I am the man of the house
So, I am the decision maker here.
Why everytime her eyes are full of tears,
We scare her so much that she everytime fears


22 NOV 2021 AT 18:35


Read the caption ;


1 NOV 2021 AT 11:34

Darling !! Do you know one thing
You are not unworthy
You are not insignificant
Loving yourself is tough
But it matters the most
You make peace with who you are
And where you have been
Accept your flaws
Accept your truths
You are much more powerful
When you believe in yourself
Be proud of who you are
Because you are important
That's all Darling !!


20 OCT 2021 AT 18:56

ଚାନ୍ଦ ତୁ କେତେ ଯେ ସୁନ୍ଦର
ଏହା କେବଳ ତୋତେ ଦେଖୁଥିବା ଲୋକ ମାନେ ହିଁ କହିପାରିବେ
ତୁ ଅଧରାତ୍ରରେ ଆକାଶକୁ ଚାହିଁ ହସୁଥିବା ମଣିଷଙ୍କ ଆନନ୍ଦ ଦେଖିଛୁ
ଆଉ କିଛି ଲୁହ ଝରାଉଥିବା ମଣିଷକୁ ମଧ୍ୟ ଦେଖିଛୁ
ଆଉ କିଛି ମାଗିବାର ଅଭିଳାଷ ନାହିଁ ତୋତେ
ବାସ୍ ତୋ ସହିତ ତୋର ଦାଗକୁ ଗର୍ବର ସହ
କୋଳେଇ ଧରିଥିବା ଆକାଶଟେ ଭଳି
ସ୍ନେହି ଓ ବିଶ୍ୱାସି ମଣିଷ ଟିଏ ଦେବୁ ।।


16 OCT 2021 AT 18:27

क्या अकेलापन का ग़म है तुझे
क्या खुदपे नाराजगी है तुझे
मगर येसा क्यों ओर कब तक
अगर पुरी दुनिया की खुशी तुझे मिल जाएगा
तेरी वो हंसती खेलती हुई चेहरा वापस आ जाएगी क्या ?
कब अपनी दिल ओर दिमाग के बात को स्वीकार करेंगी
कब तक अपनी ये उदासी को छुपायेगी
अगर तुझे हर एक खयाइस मिल जाएगी
तो ये जिंदगी जीने का मकसद ही क्या ?
अगर अपनी हंसी भुल जाएगी तो तेरी पहचान ही क्या ?
कुछ चीज़ें का हासिल ना होना भी
कभी कभी सबकुछ मिलने से बेहतर होता है
क्योंकी इसी का नाम तो जिंदगी होता है ।


9 OCT 2021 AT 18:55

I dreamt a dream last night
I wish to not highlight
But those dreams awaken me
Some of them are about life
Some are about love lost and broken
I was think of solutions .........
I was simply breath by saying "it's okay"
You are meant to walk the road
That makes you feel the whole
Life is a dream do realize it
Life is too precious don't destroy it.


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