Debdut Sen   (DEBDUT SEN)
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Joined 22 November 2019

Joined 22 November 2019
14 FEB 2023 AT 21:30

Reality is harsh and excruciating,
And accepting it is all the more arduous.
Trying to escape reality is just a farce,
The only existing option is to face it blatantly.
Howsoever agony and anguish it may cause,
Reality will shape you just the perfect way.
That is LIFE.


18 DEC 2021 AT 17:39

Life has its biggest pillars in love , trust and respect.
Loss of these conspires to burden you with an existential crisis you die fighting against.


12 DEC 2021 AT 1:28

Exaggeration is the unsaid fundamental of human existence.


31 OCT 2021 AT 22:29

Trust is one hell of a priceless thing ,
That we have made so dispensable and cheap for people who don't deserve it.
When your own ones stab you in the back ,
You don't feel like protesting ,
You just feel like dying in the inside.
The shock is so unbearable that you don't have even words to describe your misery.
From my life experiences ,
I shall say don't trust even your blood relatives .
More than often , outsiders love and care for you thousand times more than they do.
They want you to be safe and happy.
These outsiders become our beloved , our very doubles , our happy place and our comfort zone.
We call them "brothers", we call them "best friends".
Always remember , no one cares how much you love them when they get an opportunity to destroy you.


28 JAN 2021 AT 12:10


I heard,I knew
Poems could be personal .
Far more than they seem to be.
Seldom they can portray the pain in your heart more than your gloomy eyes and sullen looks .
Often they can better explain the anguish and dejection,which words and phrases fail to carry.
A poet doesn't always write poems to narrate something or express how much he loves or adores someone.
But it's absolutely mesmerizing how these words ,when penned down,with a constant flow of pure,spontaneous emotion and truthfulness,
With no forgeries and faking,
Can choke you up with sentiments,
And make your heart bleed .
And it's not false -that you feel so contended and delighted even when you are all in tears.
To illustrate is just to draw on the outlines of a picture your eyes capture.
To convey is to create,to feel divinely pleased,to feel at one with yourself.
Bursting your heart out through words maybe one of the best ,or,rather the best thing a person can do.
So stop texting,start WRITING.
Stop chilling ,start FEELING.
And when you start to feel,let your emotions and words do all the REVEALING.
"But poetry ,beauty ,romance , love , these are what we stay alive for."


13 NOV 2020 AT 16:34

Time ?
Don't ask me what's time.
I don't want to waste my TIME thinking about TIME while TIME just passes by.
Have you ever thought ?
For some , time equals to their monthly income.
Their hours of work decides their means of living.
For some , time is like an irrepressible yet abstract object that they are trying so hard to beat.
They want to enjoy life to the fullest , but they feel it difficult to accept that time will slowly take away their youth too.
They say, " Time is our biggest enemy "
Goes without saying that time is ruthless too.
Merciless and ravaging.
And then we have people solving physics problems , trying to get to the solution in seconds, measuring thier time requirement after every sum.
You see how crucial time is for them.
What about beggars and vagabonds ? They seem to be the least affected by the continuous flow of time.
It's like a running train , a flowing river , which no obstacle can stop , nor can hinder.
And now when you have read this line,just think -
Did you spend your time doing something good ? Or did you simply waste your time again ?
Always remember -
Time is the most precious thing we all got.


10 SEP 2020 AT 13:33

Everyone sees the rain,
But not all notice the rainbow.
Everyone suffers the decline,
But a few dare to leap again.
In life we often stumble,
Encounter a lot of pain.
But let failures be the pillars of success.
From every single downfall,
There is some lesson to gain.
From difficulties,we do abstain,
Very often,we do complain.
But the formula is to endure and learn,
And have the guts to start again.


27 AUG 2020 AT 18:10


They say never settle,
Don't subdue your voice.
But we find contentment in little things too,
Because happiness is a choice.
The limit is the sky they say,
Endless and vast.
But you can only grow and prosper,
If you learn to forget the past.
Live today to the best you can,
Let future be ruled by your deeds.
Life is not about Fb and Instagram,
There's no delight in scrolling feeds.
They say money is the fuel,
Important and dear.
There are thousands of millionaires,filthy rich,
Living anxious,sorrowful and uncheered.
Life changes every moment,
Permanent is a farce.
Don't waste a single second,
Each day - a new journey starts.
Love is the charming flavour of life,
That alleviates all the strife.
I again say,happiness is a choice.
An eternal smile obscures a thousand cries.


15 AUG 2020 AT 14:09

Flags hoisted,slogans shouted.
Songs sung,stories posted.
Social media flooded with pictures of the Indian flag.
Everyone typing "HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY" like any other hyped up trend.
Proudly fixing small flags to bikes,scooties and cars.
Deliberately declaring them as responsible Indian citizens.
Riders going for rides,online shopping apps and websites offering huge
"INDEPENDENCE DAY" discounts, cashbacks and offers.
Some cultural programs,dances and songs.
Fake patriotism everywhere.
Is that what independence means?
Bribed officials,corrupted government,
unscrupulous deeds and profit-seeking pretentions?
You call that independence?
Superstitions beating logic,feminism outmatching equality,discrimination marring fraternity? Lust masking humanity?
Pointless furore regarding religion.
Riots over "RAM MANDIR" and "BABRI MASJID".
And what about people dying from hunger and poverty?
Fights over NRC and muslims?
What about the girls getting raped on streets? Killed and dumped?
We live in a country where education is a business.
IIT,JEE,NEET,AIIMS are not exams but brand names.
Cyber bullying,online trolling,indignifying people for fun?
You call that independence?
Sorry, we aren't.


8 AUG 2020 AT 12:03

Trust me
Time heals everything ,
Yes , anything you can imagine .
You never know your limits ,
Until you reach them .
The mind is mighty beyond imagination .
The source of power , control , fear and sensation.


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