Darshika Morey   (Darshika Morey)
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Joined 4 March 2018

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Joined 4 March 2018
5 APR AT 22:53

I would clinge to every possibility,
possibility of us,
of us being we.
We that once were beautiful,
beautiful dreams I saw.
Saw never any denial,
denial you then gave.
Gave me the sorrow, the pain,
the pain I live everyday.
Everyday I wish for you
you the one I met,
met once but fell for eternity
Eternity I imagine will come true
One Day!


1 MAR AT 1:44

It's okay if you don't have that one thing
you want so desperately,
you know you have come too far,
you have done things you never thought
you could,
you have given yourself that beautiful world
you never thought
you will ever live in,
you are that person now
that the little child you were once would be proud of,
you have come too far,
you have things, people you never wished you will get,
so be a little kinder to yourself,
embrace happiness,
you are that version
you have always dreamed of,
so don't regret
if that one thing you wish now
is yours it will come for you
sooner or later in days.


28 FEB AT 19:51

whenever I see you smile
it makes my heart flutter.
It's you who smile but my eyes shine,
I don't know what's happening,
what has happened,
things aren't that right between us,
but atleast I can see you smile
and that's enough.


26 FEB AT 23:11

You are that story I never want to end,
the chapters are vague,
less words but feelings more expressed.
You are that story which started by chance,
in a few moments, glance, you caught my heart.
I know there isn't much more to write
as you have rested your pen,
but I will keep writing it
till infinity's end.
You are that story which I thought will never begin,
it started suddenly
and blank pages then rained.
You are that story which I never want to end
though the ink dries,
I would still keep writing
all the possibilities of our togetherness
in a world I create.


25 FEB AT 18:58

I want you too lay all the burdens,
I will not ask why it took you so long
I know that it's hard to break
the walls we make.
When you will look at me
with that trust in your eyes,
I would not question the betrays
I know it's hard to give and trust
when you are broken yourselves.
When you will let lose
all your boundaries and rest,
I will always be there with open heart
to caress you and love you the way
you deserve the best.


24 FEB AT 10:23

I want to write our story
on these pages,
but courage is losing my side,
everytime I try oceans of tears
surpass the beautiful time we share,
it's hard to feel again whole
knowing that's the only thing right,
I know I fell in love with a mirage again
but spectrum of colours it showed,
every cell in my body
is screaming to let it go,
but the heart holds it dear
knowing it's painful but still
a beautiful abode.


21 JAN AT 23:07

Life becomes a mess
when we expect most ardently
to see the rainbow
after the rain,
we expect the flowers to bloom
on the very day,
expect the stars to shine
even in the broad daylight,
so impatient the desire makes,
to want that happiness
making us insane,
it all turns out to be a mess.
And we wait patiently
adoring the beauty of it,
turning it into our happy place.


13 DEC 2023 AT 22:19

And sometimes though they wish to fly
they are trapped in some pages
waiting for the right time.


26 NOV 2023 AT 19:01

I know there are
lot of things in your mind,
I don't need
your complete days and nights,
I think a simple hey or hi
would be fine,
I don't wish for stars,
just to know I am still
little bit in your heart
and mind.


26 NOV 2023 AT 18:38

It's hard to keep going
when there are no signs,
lost in the desert of infinite sand
nothing only mirages line,
but it's fine, by keep moving
either will reach the destination
or the end of it's time.


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