चलो उपनिषदों की ओर   (-)
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नमस्कारम🙏 (सच जानना और सच में प्रतिपल जीना ही मुक्ति है और झूठ में जीना ही दुख है)
Joined 22 February 2019

नमस्कारम🙏 (सच जानना और सच में प्रतिपल जीना ही मुक्ति है और झूठ में जीना ही दुख है)
Joined 22 February 2019

A Hindu is someone who is TOTAL and therefore sees nothing but the TOTAL

Acharya Prashant


To be a Hindu is to live in a pre-existing, ever-lasting, never-exhausting completeness, totality.

Acharya prashant


If you look into the eyes of an animal and do not see your own face, then you are a blind and blind ones are not supposed to reach destinations.

Acharya prashant


You are supposed to Liberate the other. In that, lies your liberation

Acharya Prashant


Knowledge and science have not really given us what we really wanted from them. Internally man is still hungry. Internally man still feels an alien and dispossessed.

Acharya Prashant


Non Duality is non violence. There can be no ahimsa as long as there is separation or that is you & this is me. Ahimsa means oneness.


Acharya prashant


The majority of opposition to beef in India comes from those who love milk. That's very very shocking.

Acharya Prashant


So, any Hindu who would have ever understood the Vedas cannot have a relationship like that with a cow or goat or buffalo or anything or anybody in the universe.

Acharya Prashant


Man is the only one who, at the age of 80, craves for milk 😂
Quit milk to save cows 🐄
Go vegan 🥬🥦🥑


Beef and Dairy industry are closely connected because the beef is coming from the same cow that used to give milk before and now it's of no use so now it is going to be cut by meat industry.

How cruel and ignorant can we be?


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