Ayushi Shrivastav  
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Joined 8 April 2024

Joined 8 April 2024
18 APR AT 22:15

Sometimes, I just wanna die because I have a fear that I don't make my parents proud. Whenever I talk to them, they never force me for the test's numbers, but I feel their expectations from their voice. I don't know what to do. I'm trying, but competitive exams are not easy. I'm crying and feeling alone, but I don't wanna talk anyone...


14 APR AT 1:33

Sometimes, it's all about staring at the moon and thinking about everything, whatever is happening in your life...it's a pure and natural therapy...


11 APR AT 20:47

Seems like you forgot again,
Let me remind you,
When it was hard
And you are overwhelmed,
And felt afraid,
And walked alone,
And felt invisible,
And didn't have the answers,
And couldn't see the way,
And wanted to give up,
You kept going....
May you never forget that.


11 APR AT 9:58

Sometimes, it's better to be alone with your emotions. Don't let others hurt your feelings. So just be yourself. If nobody understands, then don't share it.....


9 APR AT 20:06

Life has made me so quiet. I just wanna listen, no more talking, no more arguing, no more explaining. Just silence :)


9 APR AT 1:36

Hi, I'm staring at a star right now it's too beautiful, and it's twinkling very much....
By seeing this, I thought about my future. I just hope that my future is as bright as the star...
I know it's not their own light, but like the stars, my life is not my own it was given by my parents....
I just hope my parents one day proudly say this is my child and the day will be the best day of my life....


8 APR AT 22:51

And then I felt for him, I'd never felt for anybody else.
I know I was getting into a cesspool, and I wouldn't be able to get out of.
But, I was powerless....


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