Awoke U. Godswill   (A. U. Godswill)
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Joined 20 May 2021

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Joined 20 May 2021
25 AUG 2022 AT 12:05


Life may seem so bitter and tough,
Even success's road may appear all rough.
But don't ever give up on chasing your dream,
Though so far from your reach it might seem.

Know that the night tends to get darker,
When morning is hastening her approach.
So too, the journey's oft tiring and harder,
When it's near the end of your reproach.

Therefore, keep your hope alive,
You'll survive the storm, and thrive!

ŠA. U. Godswill


20 AUG 2022 AT 21:34

1. Life is just an expression of time and energy.
2. Kindness has a ripple effect.


20 AUG 2022 AT 21:18


It melts every heart that hears it.


20 AUG 2022 AT 17:06


I just go sit on the couch at the balcony,
Observing the to and fro movements
Of people that are almost heading nowhere.

Then I ask myself, is this all there's to life?
Walking around aimlessly and endlessly,
Until death takes pity on us?

And I realised that death actually kills out of pity.
Cause I thought of what could be worse than being dead,
And it turns out to be living a life without direction.

For living without direction remains,
The first phase of being dead and forgotten;
Since a man without direction lacks motivation.

So, when I don't have where to go,
I just sit down to contemplate,
How best to impact the human community.

ŠA. U. Godswill


27 APR 2022 AT 23:04

Your Love

Every early morning, 
When the sun is wont to send her saintly smiles,
Which, like the sweetness of your face,
Brightens the earth's surface;
I rise and outshine her with my smiles,
Cause it's another day to behold your sweet face.

And every night,
When the sun recedes into the distant horizon,
Whose sojourn turns the world pale and dim,
I dance in glee like the fishes deep in the amazon,
For knowing your love fills my body with vim.

And your love has given my life a second chance,
With countless reasons to feel merry and dance.
Because everyday that I behold your sweet face,
Your beauty does my stress and worries deface.


3 MAR 2022 AT 16:16

I don't set high sounding goals for myself, except that every waking day don't find me at same spot as the dying day!


15 FEB 2022 AT 10:58


The face of heaven always shine,
As soon as the sun sends a smile.
You're my sun, please be mine,
Let our laughter and joy be sublime.

Your love is so innocent and pure,
With you, I can never dare be rude.
Forever with you, a deal so sure,
St Cupid sealing our togetherhood.

Let the cats meow, and the dogs bark,
And let the season turn her different pages.
So long you're mine and you got my back,
Happily forever we'll count our ages.— % &


12 FEB 2022 AT 10:40

Life in the dream.

Every night when my bed starts calling,
And my eyes and body thus nurses a longing,
Craving nothing better but the blanket's hugs,
On a clean, broad bed, bereft of bedbugs.
To travel the world on the flight of dreams,
And swimming happily in ecstasy's streams.

Life is always sweet and simple at the beach,
Sometimes we only reach the peak of all we wish
In the dream, where no nine is needed to make a stitch.
Could there be any better things for one to wish,
Save a good night rest and a peaceful sleep,
And waking up without any cause to weep?— % &


8 FEB 2022 AT 13:10

When love is the subject, there's hardly one right way to express it.— % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 16:50

Proposing to a girl on the net.

If heaven is a person, it's none other than you.
If angels are humans, I've seen all of them in you.
If beauty is a person, who else could compete?
For in all criteria of beauty, you have it complete!

If truly love can be found online,
Let our testimony be next in line.
For I've seen only but a glimpse of your glory,
And I wouldn't want the rest to be a story.

I want to be your blanket whenever you feel cold,
And together you and I will grow old.
If you've accepted me, please give me your number,
So we can chat privately, where there'll be no asunder.— % &


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