anna ♡   (BluishOrange)
46 Followers · 40 Following

I'm just trying this out. I enjoy writing when I get the inspiration. ♡
Joined 18 September 2018

I'm just trying this out. I enjoy writing when I get the inspiration. ♡
Joined 18 September 2018
25 OCT 2020 AT 5:30

Heaviness drips onto you like black ink
It surrounds you as a dark ocean
To drag you down to cold depths
And drown you

Open your eyes and stay awake
The Sun is coming to open the Heavens
You will watch the darkness be pierced by Golden Light
But first you must wait for dawn
You must survive the night


15 MAR 2020 AT 3:39

You call it "wisdom". I call it "common sense".


30 JAN 2020 AT 12:48

We are eager to sing the praises of those we call our heroes. Little do we know the things they have done in the dark.


22 DEC 2019 AT 9:09

That there would be peace, joy, and comfort. I recieved nothing but bitter tragedy and death.


21 DEC 2019 AT 4:19

Child of Light, you were deceived by Darkness; made prey to fear itself. Beaten down, they stripped you of your life, your name. Upon you the shadows have impressed their cruel mark. Even still, you are not as they say, you are no slave to Evil. Your destiny is not with the Dark. You were made to love, gentle child. Much have you fought that they could never see. What a tragedy to watch you come so close to victory. To see briefly your pale face warmed by the light! What mercy have they granted you, Victim of Suffering? They gave you back your name but kept your life!


21 DEC 2019 AT 2:09

You promised us hope and gave us death. You tell us that two souls can be torn apart without consequence. But I tell you that there is no hope in darkness, and there is no strength in loneliness. You tell us that we've won, but there is no victory where there is no love. We gave you our fragile hearts and you crushed them to dust. How proud you are to destroy our faith! How proud you are to crush the suffering with death! We weep as you sit content. How dare you tell us we have risen! You have pushed us into the shadows of a great chasm. You trapped us in the cold night with no hope for the morning. We will never again see the sun! No, we did not rise. We have fallen.


15 OCT 2019 AT 23:33

People who don't believe in monsters still go missing in the dark.


13 OCT 2019 AT 10:12

I don't think people who romanticize death as an aesthetic understand how ugly it actually is. Death is flattering on no one.


29 AUG 2019 AT 6:24

Everyone wants to save the Princess, but those with true courage save the Dragon.


15 MAY 2019 AT 19:39

Let me live while I am yet alive.


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