Aniket Fulsaunder   (Aniket's writings)
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Joined 8 November 2019

Joined 8 November 2019
15 APR 2022 AT 13:29

साधेपणा मधलं वेगळेपण का नाही दिसत लोकांना ?


1 APR 2022 AT 23:53

असली खूबसूरती तो आँखो मै होती है
चेहरे तो बस नकाब होते है।।।


25 FEB 2022 AT 12:26

शहर की हवाने तो उसे बदल दिया था।।।
वरना गाँव की मिट्टी मै इतनी बेवफाई कहा ?


20 JAN 2022 AT 21:57

Why we always have fear of things in life?
In life we always have fear/anxiety for some or the other things everyday. FEAR -False Evidence Appearing Real thats what fear is. But why we are scared of things we can't control , irrational things like what's if and buts... But what if it goes great, what if you understand that every rejection is the universe protecting you form something that is not yours. What if you have that understanding that, what's for you will be yours and what isn't will never happen to you. Rejection will be there in every sqaure of life and also there will be things which we can't never control. But every rejection is a lesson and also an opportunity to learn. So let's us understand the universe's way of teaching things and have perseverance to achieve those.


7 DEC 2021 AT 19:09

Awareness... Is the first step towards improving anything in life.


13 OCT 2021 AT 20:58

Your Intelligence should never overpower your Belief ...


30 JUL 2021 AT 13:44

All the self help Or life teaching books taught that,to be happy and successful you need to have two things predominantly within you which are
Consistency and Patience.... But this has been told to us 100 yrs back as "श्रद्धा" And "सबुरी" Do your work with 100% dedication and have Patience, everything you want will come to you.
What you are seeking for is already there inside,you just have to unwrapped the layers within you. Stop looking it outside ... Success,happiness, Spirituality.. It's all within.
You just have to find Yourself First.


14 JUL 2021 AT 23:56

Balance is the Solution....
Achieving balance in the life is the solution. Dont go for extremities, I've seen people pushing themselves hard for either this Or that struggling with themselves with their routines, diets, excersizing, eating and sleeping pattern.Understand the process you can't be extremely happy or sad at a particular time. Dont over do Or over consume things, Overeating, Over dieting Or excersizing are problems too. Anything which is excess is poison. Don't go for boundaries, you will achieve it step by step. As they say every good thing takes time. Experiment and explore yourself more often, know which thing are good for you and which are not. Have work but have life also,money with family and friends, try to achieve that Work-life balance.Everything in world or life is all about proper balance. The nature, the heartbeat and the Pulse rate of your heart beat with proper rhythm. Have that balance.


9 JUL 2021 AT 22:20

Three Life lessons everyone should know...

1) Accepting the things as they are makes you more (Peaceful).
2) Your Choices make you what you are.
3) Communication.. Is the Best Solution.


6 JUL 2021 AT 17:18

Jo app ko app se dhur le jaye,wo kabhi pyaar nahi hota_Uhnse rishta todna hi accha hota hai.As they say,"kabhi kabhi dil tutna bhi jaruri hota hai".
Sometimes they take you away from yourself and anything which is toxic must be let go from life.So I let you go,I let you free from me,so that more beautiful love will be able to freely find you and me as well.I let you go,so that our"Right Ones"could find us.True love is all about letting them free and,"Always remember that better things are stored for you".


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